Problems with Easy Environments: Road to Nowhere and Road to Nowhere Add-on

Hi everyone!
I'm an absolute beginner and I need your help, please. I started with DAZ a few days ago and now I have my first question about an environment with HDRI backgrounds I bought: Easy Environments: Road to Nowhere and Road to Nowhere Add-on.
When I load the environment, it looks like this:
When I add the standard HDRI (DTHDR-RuinsB.hdr), it looks like this:
But the moment I add one of the hdr files of the set I bought, it changes to this:
The items look like this and I'm using the Iray ones:
But these Iray render presets don't seem to work for me. (When I load the 3DL ones everthing looks fine at first, but the final render doesn't look good or the characters I used in another test were totally wrong (Yes, I changed the engine for that)). I tested the hdr files in another scene and they don't work there either. I also couldn't find a read me or other documents on how to use this correctly or if there are special settings needed.
Does anyone know how to use this correctly or how I can fix this? Am I missing something? I'm just so confused because the other things are working.
Kind regards!
This is a known issue - the image-handling code in the new version of Iray does not like the compression method used for these files. The PA has resaved them using a different method and submitted an update, which should be made avaialble for download through your isntall emthod once it is up - in the meantime, if you don't want to wait, you can fix it yourself by opening the files and resaving them (still as .exr, but using a dfifferent compression algorithm) in many image editors - people haev used Photoshop and GIMP and I think Affinity Photo with success.
Thank you so much for your help!
With that, I knew what to look for and found some threads talking about it. Looks like I have to wait for the changes then since I tried to open the files with gimp, but the program crashed everytime (even tried different versions, saw other people having the same issue).
More time to learn other things while waiting
I had this issue with , here's how to fix it...
You could then save a render preset and use it to replace the one that comes with the product, but since the PA will be uploading an update in the near future that might be more trouble than it's worth. Just flipping to the .hdr file manually is good enough for now.
Thank you so much!!! It's working now!
The corrected files are coming through DIM since Friday, two or three at a time.