Curved architecture objects won't import properly from Blender

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to import certain files from Blender, but it becomes distorted in DAZ.
The image is attached
I tried to turn off Surface>Geometry>Smooth - but there is no major difference with that on or off.
Any thoughts?

1040 x 529 - 272K
Post edited by ktrskt on
One thing that might save an object like that, is adding a bevel and inset loop around both sides of the cutout.
Ok, solved.
Comes out to be a pretty simple solution.
I think the key part was simply ticking the 'triangulated mesh' while exporting. It worked fine after that.
You don't have to triangulate, though that is simple, but you do need to split the big face wit a hole cut out into a series of quadrangles or triangles - in the case of quads they need to be convex (that is, if you put an elastic band around the outside it would be in contact with all of the edges, not bridging a gap where two dipped in).
huh, I never realised that was an export option, i always thought you had to convert n-gons before exporting. the more you know.