Issue with OOT Cathy Hair

I'm having an issue with OOT Cathy Hair. When I load it fresh into a character (i.e., it wasn't in the scene before), it works perfectly, as one can see in the first picture, but if I save the scene and reload it, it breaks, as one can see in the second picture. I wonder if this is happening to anyone else and if someone has a solution. The hair is perfectly updated (this is not the issue with the OOT Hairblending 2.0 shader that has been happening). I loaded it into a Base G3F so one can see it's not caused by any morphs or autofit. The only thing I did was to convert the G3F and the clothes to Iray, but the mess was already happening before that; also, backgrounds and lights don't change the issue because it also happens when I load the character in vacuo.
It's relating to a different hair product but this thread seems to be a similar issue so might have some answers?