Daz - added a scene (2 characters) and how to make it a little transparent so that you can see one t

Daz - added a scene (2 characters) and how to make it a little transparent so that you can see one to the other? - to understand where 1 model is and where 2 is.
You mean in preview, while worokning on the scene, or in the final render? For working you might try Wirframe Drawstyle, or split into two Viewports with one an overhead view to show placement while posing in the other.
I don’t see the character because he’s different inside.
2 different characters, 1 in another, I don't see 2.
2 different characters, 1 in another, I don't see 2.
Wireframe - cmd(Mac)/ctrl(Win) plus 3 (plain wireframe) or 5 (lit wireframe) would let you see both.
can you also change the color of the mesh?
so that they can be distinguished better
Why don't you just move one of the characters, so that they are not in the same coordinateas
Select the item in the scene, select the item in the Editor tab of the Surfaces pane, and change the Base colour (or Diffuse colour if using 3Delight as the active render engine when the model was added).