Align perspective view with camera view
I have cameras set up throughtout my scene, and I am editing using the perspective view.
Is there a way to align the perspective view with one of the camera views?
I know I can change to camera view, that's not what I want. I want tha camera view to stay where it is, amd I want to move the perspective view away from there, but I would like to start at exactly the same view as the camera.
The Perspective View always loads at the same place, and even if it is saved as part of a Scene, it reverts ot the 0,0,0 starting position, so you can't really do anything with that.
What you can do, is select a Camera in your Scene, that makes it the 'Active View', and then create a New camera. Call it a name you will recognise, and then select the second option 'Copy Active View', and a new camera will be created at exactly the same view you are looking at. You can do exactly the same using the Perspective, and the new camera will point at whatever the perspective view is looking at, at that time.
Sorry, I didn't mean it across sessions. This would all be one session. Here's what I'm trying to do: I have a camera set up, a part of a distant island is visible. I need to populate the island with trees, keeping in mind what the camera sees. I can switch back and forth between camera view and perspective view to finetune the tree locations, but it would be a lot easier to just "jump back" to the camera view with the perspective view, and move the perspective view into working location from there.
When creating a new camera, I can tell DS that I want the new camera at the same location as the perspective view. Folloging this logic, is there a way to tell DS that I want the perspective view to jump to where camera 1 is?
Not, as far as I know, in the UI - it could probably be done with a simple script.
I would simply create a 2nd camera and use it instead of perspective view. Then you could jump back and forth between your render camera and perspective camera as needed.
With 50+ trees, it's the jumping part that I want to avoid.
I'll look into Richard's script idea a little later. For now I'm still overwhelmed by what the software can actually do.
The problem with using a real camera, rather than Perspective View, is that changes made to any camera are added to the undo stack - which means if you move the camera to check a change and decide you don't like it or need to tweak it you have to undo first the camera move, then the actual content change (and then redo the camera move manually if you want to look at the difference).
The keyboard navigation might make moving the perspective around the scene easier.
In this situation I would use the Aux. view to permanently show the main Camera view, or have multiple views in the viewport.