Weird problem on OOT's Topmodel Updo hair

I used both DAZ 4.16 and the newest 4.22, and they both give these weird bar lines when [OOT's Topmodel Updo hair is] rendered. I tried toggling all the surface settings but nothing works. Anyone has any idea what's causing this?

1622 x 1624 - 2M
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
This product?
Looks ok to me.
Which settings are you using?
Off topic a bit. Do you update your NVIDIA drivers and do they work with 4.16? I've not been updating my drivers for fear of them messing up 4.16 ghost lights.
I remember there having been threads about something similar maybe around January/February and as far as I can remember the culprit was rendering settings (spectral?) with certain combinations of DS version and GPU drivers.
One thing to check is that you don't have two copies of the hair loaded in the same position.
I'm having this problem with OOT Cathy Hair and posted it in another thread.
When I load the hair into the scene, it looks ok, but, if I save the scene and reload it, the hair gets messy (and it seems to be a problem in the mesh since reapplying the materials doesn't solve the problem).
And, no... I don't have more than one copy of it installed.
Didn't notice the problem with the Top Model Updo... I'll test and post it here.
I think this was another issue. The crashing with an un-updated OOT Hairblending 2.0 shader. I've already fixed this but my problem with OOT Cathy Hair continues...
Updated but reverted because it was causing problems to DAZ. I tried all other suggestions here but didn't work, I don't have two copies of the same hair loaded, turned spectral rendering on and off and still facing this issue.
Update - I found that turning off Top Coat Roughness did the trick, but that made the hair color and reflections way too off to be compatible with the original when doing layered render corrections. Is there a solution for this?