Jeanie Hair for Genesis 8 Females - query on baldness

Has anyone had any issues with this asset making it look like your character is going bald where the side parting is? I can't seem to solve it and not had this issue with any other hair assets (I own and work with A LOT). Contacted artist behind it but they haven't been on here since Augst, hence asking more generally. Any ideas on how to fix? I love the asset but this is a real issue for me right now.
Thanks in advance!
Example. Even more obvious when rendered.
It's a strand-based hair but with no scalp surface... not a good design anyway. You may either use the base scalp node from other SBH product, or increase Render Line Tessellation Sides, or request for a refund...
thank you! will investigate and see where i get to.
Upping the render line tessellation sides has helped a lot, to the point that it is workable. Thanks again!
I have this hair as well. Where do I find Render Line Tesselation Sides?
In the Parameters pane, with the hair selected.