Auto-Fit from G8 to G3 Gone *SOLVED*

Running 4.16 on old drivers and suddenly my Auto-Fit function is not giving a G8 option to G3 under figure item was created for. Tried multiple clothes and none are working.
Any ideas why it would just not be reading it?
TY for any help.
Post edited by plaul2002 on
If you had an option to autofit G8 items to G3, then I suspect that was provided by some other product. Autofit is generally not forward compatible.
If Auto-Fit dialogue popped up but you found no G8 option from the dropdown list... you either need this product -, or you create clones by yourself...
I do own that product! I migh thave uninstalled it and didn't relaize it was this! Ty I will go check!
**SOLVED** Thank you so much that was it. I'm a knucklehead!
Great !