Question about purchases

Hello everyone, i'm kinda new to Daz3d and I have a question concerning purchases i've made.
I wanted to buy the Genesis 9 Starter Essentials Expansion. While I was at the edge of buying it, I saw the complete bundle underneath it. So, i've bought the whole bundle which contains, the Genesis 9 Starter Essentials Expansion, Body Shapes, Headshapes and Expressions. When i revisit Genesis 9 Essentials Expansion, it says (owned). But when I got to Body Shapes, Headshapes and Expressions, it doesn't say (owned) but when I look in my purchase history, it says that I bougth the full package.
Why doesn't the store recognise my Body shapes, Headshapes and Expressions in the same bundle purchase? The packages are also installed in the Install Manager, but I can't find it anywhere in Daz3d. For example the expressions are nowhere to be found.
This is the bundle i've bought.
EDIT: I moved the topic to the right forum section.
Deep. Yeah... that's weird eh? I'm always clicking on bundles which I own everything within, but not the actual bundle. Not sure what to tell you other than: Be careful not to buy it again! LOL
If you do, however, by accident, just contact the wonderful Support Staff and they'll help you get it fixed.
While Daz 3d is perfect, the internet software for the store is not ;)
BTW, Great package o' goods eh? I bought that bundle too. With everything we get for Free for Genesis 9, that kit Really makes a powerful character creation setup! Daz 3d really did us good for their new figure!
Add a few cool character packs and we can Really Create!!! :)
If you have purchased that bundle you linked to then the four items listed as part of the bundle should also be set as purchased when you view them while being logged into your account.
If not then you should raise a sales support ticket ( referencing the order that contains the purchase of the bundle.
My first Genesis 9 character
LOL!!! Thanks to Auto-fit working so well, she's wearing Complicated Eve for V4 pants, belt, thighbelts with holsters, guns, boots and V4 Brazen's goggles!
It say's that i've bought the full package under my account purchase history but the store itself doesn't recognise it. When I go to the Install Manager, it says that all the packages has been installed, but yet I can't find them anywhere in Daz3d. For example face expressions, they don't appear anywhere within Daz3d wile they are installed. I also bought the Victoria 9 HD model as a base model, which should be compatible with the Genesis 9 Essential Expressions.
When I also select my Genesis 9 model, go to smart content and disable "Filter by context" the expressions still doesn't show up.
I've think you post it in the wrong forum topic.
But anyway, this is my character so far i've started on it yesterday. Still need to do a lot, i've done some minor adjustments, and still need to do a lot. Just playing with the software and see how everything works. Let's go back on-topic now. :)
How do you look for Content, Smart Content?
Open DIM, find the packages, right-click one of them > Show Installed Content.
The lines that begin with "data" are not user-facing files. Those are just what needs to be installed to make it all work. In the event where pretty much the whole package is 'data', then what that pack is - morph dials located on the figure. In this case mostly under Actor > Head and Actor > Body, but then Expression will be under Pose Controls
For other content, the paths shown will be available in the Content pane. I never use Smart content so I don't know how to find it that way.
In the Content pane look under People > Genesis 9
Anatomy will have the Essentials Expansion stuff
Head shapes, body shapes and expressions will be dials located on your genesis 9 figure
Right. Sorry. I get excited and carried away - a Lot!
Kind of addicted to this stuff.
Yeah, just to confirm if you use Smart Content then those four items should all show as products - see attached image with other products redacted to avoid confusion.
If this is true I would still advise raising a sales support ticket so they can fix it on your account properly. If you don't do this then you may end up buying them a second time by accident. I think I remember seeing that this has happened to someone before so it is a thing - just very rare.
Sorry, I may have lead you a little astray in the previous post - the four products do show up in Smart Content but the expressions product doesn't have any visible items inside the product and so would not be included when filtering. Instead if you select your G9 figure and open the posing tab and go to Pose Controls / Head / Expressions the sliders for them will be in there (alongside others from any other products you may have). Example below (again with other items redacted to avoid confusion). The full list of which ones are included is in the product description.
I've tried exact the same as what you did, and it seems they don't appear in Daz3d at all, not even Genesis 9 Starter Essentials Expansion. I also tried to unckeck and check "Filter by Context" and I also selected "All products" under smart content. Install Manager said that they are installed.
Nice job on the character and render! I still haven't played around with G9 much yet but glad to hear that it still works nicely with both old and new items and so picking up some of those more ancient products in the sales wasn't a waste :)
The Starter Expansion should definitely show up as it has eyebrows (under Anatomy) and Eyelash and Eye colours under Materials.
For the head and body morphs can you find them in the Shaping tab? e.g. Have your G9 selected in the scene and type "Fitness" into the search bar on the shaping tab - that should show the three matching items from the body product: "Body Fitness", "Body Fitness Details" & "Body Fitness Mass". For the head morphs it's a little tricker to pick something that jumps out - but if you type "Nasolabial" into the Shaping search tab and then click Face (which should be one of the few non-greyed out then you should see "Cheek Nasolabial Size Lower" & "Cheek Nasolabial Size Upper".
This works, thank you. "Body Fitness", "Body Fitness Details", "Body Fitness Mass" aswell "Cheek Nasolabial Size Lower" and "Cheek Nasolabial Size Upper" are showing up in the Shaping tab. And I think I found Expressions aswell, it's under "Pose Controls" under the shaping tab, right? If that is also the one (it seems like that), then it is all working. But strange enough that the store says that I don't "own" them.
Yeah, that is odd but a support ticket to the sales department should sort that out.
Although, it might be worth doing a hard-refresh of those pages - just incase there is an issue with your browser cache? I believe that is Shift-F5 on Windows and Shift-Apple-R on OSX. Or logging off the store/forum and back on again maybe.
I might try it, I will contact support if that doesn't work. Thanks for all the help!