LAMH error: SKU:19471 The Asian Dragon

Hi all,
bought [SKU:19471 The Asian Dragon] the product a while back and tried the LAMH option( got a full purchase of it)
getting " There are no Catalyzer complaiant asset to render"
Appreciate any assistance
Thank you,

457 x 216 - 64K
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
That product indeed doesn't have presets for LAMH Iray Catalyzer, only for the original LAMH for 3DL.
To use it with Iray you need to export the hair as obj and use that obj in the final scene.
Good morning,
thank you very much for helping. I'm trying to select the fur and export it as an obj, it imports back blank
If the fur works, would you recommend saving all the dragon with the new obj fur as a preset Charcter?
My temple is Iray and all my modles, a bit of a tricky one but hopefully you have a recommendation for me. This Dragon fits the scene I want
Thank you,