[Released] STF Tribal Gear: Tribal Witch Doctor Undies & Body Paint for G8F and G9 [Commercial]

We're doing a bunch of tribal themed products, which I'll post about here as they make it through Daz QA.
There's currently 4 Tribal products in the works, with the first one (the witch doctor undies + Body paint) having just passed Daz QA and coming soon(tm)
Some promos:
Post edited by StrangeFate on
A few more Promos:
Wicked... looking forward to this and the others!
Wicked is correct! :)
Looks great. Guess the bra will come next? Can all of the decorations of the undies be removed as well?
The bra is part of a complete tribal armor set coming soon too.
About removing the decorations... yes and no. the rigged parts (hanging bone decorations and pouch) can easily be hidden by hiding their bones... and I think Roguey added buttons under Actor for that, if I remember correctly.
For the rest of the decorations, since it's all separate material zones, you can just set their cutout opacity to 0 in their materials (leaving the 2 materials of the undies themselves as they are), and you should be left with a 'clean' set of undies :)
It went into my cart so fast it was like someone put a spell on me!
Thanks you!
I too bought it straight away, I'm glad you are making a full set of things, looking forward to more.
If there is going to be 4 in the set, this will be perfect look, thank you.
Thanks for your support DP WES!
And yes, they should all play rather well together :)
Actually, here's a promo with the next 2 products, already submitted this weekend.
The products are the tribal armor and tribal body paints, and the promo is also using the witch doctor undies.
Instant purchase. Had some problems with the shell yesterday but hope to be able to sort those out.
- One can "OFF" 3 decorative items on the panties. Is it possible to do away with the remaining bones as well? Had hoped to be able to use it completely without any additional decoration.
- The paintings an only be added fully right. Would be cool to have dedicated options for just body, arms or head for example.
I like what looks like bone and leather bracelets in the promo.
Having tested the outfit, I appreciate the effort gone into making it easy to customise, thank you.
Hmm let me know if continue to have any issues with the shell.
1. There's no controls for the remainder of the decorations, but if you read my first reply above to that question, you can easily enough hide them that way.
2. Only full body yes. The issue with dedicated parts only, is that you would either have to design paints that never cross over to other zones or export 5 different texture map sets with only the details for each area.
I suppose that would have been manageable for the undies paint.
For the body paints product, it would have been just too much too juggle with 15 unique paints and 25 in total with the variations included.
What you'll have in the body paints product is all paints without a background (so without the plain white or black paint base) and the bases separately that you can add on a second Geoshell.
Since the designs have no base paint background, it should be easy to turn off the parts of the Geoshell you don't want any paint on. You'll still have issues with some designs, because they flow seamlessly into other parts of the body.
A solution would be to just open the opacity map of a paint in PS and erasing the parts you don't want. That's pretty much what drives the whole thing, other maps don't need to be touched.
I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for what looks like another great product (I haven't had a chance to play with it yet). I don't often buy on release date, but in this case I definitely wanted to support your work so you will make more great stuff. I'm really looking forward to the other sets.
Thanks again (happy dance)!
Thanks for your support @DustRider
We don't havea large catalog of products to keep us afloat easily, so every bit matters!
That's another reason I try to support you when I can. STF Kadis for G8/9 was also an insta-buy (love this set). Your products are always top quality with outstanding details, I'm sure they take a LOT of time to create.
Now off to prep a cart with the circlet in it. It came out while I away from home and couldn't get it when it was released, then forgot about it until now
Love that headdress, it is so unique! Looking forward to obtaining the rest of this collection!
how do i use the body paints?