Advanced Distant Light by Age of Armour Not working

in The Commons
So I recently purchased "Advanced Distant Light" by Age of Armour but it doesn't seem to work. I have advanced distant light in my scene, I am facing it toward a wall and I would just like to illuminate that wall only. I set the flags but it still won't do anything. The default Distant light works. It just feels like I wasted money on something that doesn't even work at all.
Would really appreciate any help. Before asking for refund, I wanna at least try to see if I can get it to work.
What are you rendering in 3dl or Iray?
1) Are you using Iray or 3Delight? These lights are for 3DL
2) IIRC the flagging feature was broken at some point, I'm not sure if it was ever fixed.
Using Iray.. So this does not work with Iray at all? I assumed it worked with iray since the product page didn't say anything about iray or 3Delight.
The product page doesn't say anything about Iray because it was released long before Iray was added in DS.
And no, they won't work with Iray at all, they use custom 3DL light shaders.
If you bought it recently (in the last 30 days) you can ask for a refund.
I see. Well thank you very much. I literally purchased it a few hours ago and was trying to figure out how to make it work for like an hr or so lol. Refund time I guess.
Thanks again, I'm glad I asked in this forum otherwise I wouldn't have known.