Blender 4.0 - OOT Long Hair issue

Blender 4.0
DAZ 4.21 Pro
After importing to Blender 4.0 Victoria 9 with OOT Long Hair no color is appied to the hair. This is because there is a new Principled Shader on Blender 4.0 and Diffeo connects the Specular of the hair - Image Layer - to the IOR input of the PS. Just click on the Specular input of the PS and connect the Specular - Image Layer - to IOR Level input and problem solved. (see file attached)

1531 x 1216 - 1M
Thank you, now reported to Thomas. You may want to also change the ior to 1.5 that's the base value for the new ior level in 4.0.
This is fixed now with the latest commit. However, please note that OOT uses custom shaders that are not expected to convert fine to blender. You get a error message for unsupported shaders when you load the scene. Methods
goodwinds said:
Thanks Larsson and Padone!