New products not appearing in DAZ Connect

In other news, my new buys are not showing up anymore on the install tab in Daz Studio. I normally install via DAZ Connect, and here it just isn't happening. Been a problem for about the past week, roughly. DIM doesn't work for bundles and I'm not manually installing if I can avoid it. Is this some kind of metadata issue with 4:22?
Are you checking the Update metadata box when logging in? It is off by default, so that people can log in without getting their database entries updated, but that will mean it cannot see any new purchases. (Also, from personal experieince, if you download with DIM to have a backup of the package make sure you didn't absent mindedly have it set to install after download from the last DS update - it took me a while to work out why my purchases were not shwoing in the Install tab, and to realise that they were in the Installed tab in Smart Content.)