Happy Thanksgiving

Those of us in the USA celebrate this holiday because we love to eat and most people only cook turkey this time of year.
Within the last 6 months we have had a turkey show up at a busy intersection 1/2 mile from our house. It is a wonder because he/she hangs out where the most cars are and in my 55 years in my town I've never seen a turkey here. We saw a man stopped on the side of the road and he was pouring out chicken feed for it. It was here for a long time before it became a celebrity. This image is an homage to the turkey. (It's been named but I forgot what they call it.)

950 x 725 - 347K
Post edited by NGartplay on
Vey nice turkey picture.
Thanks Hansmar, those are Ken's turkeys from the Daz3D store.
NGartplay - very nicely done.
NGartplay : cool !
NGartplay - nicely done
Hi Intersection Turkey! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!! :)
Great image!!!
Thanks everyone and Happy Thanksgiving
and Happy Thanksgiving
Beautiful image, very well done!