Multiple Arms
There is a four arm Genesis figure, looks great, but I need a six arm figure...
Is there one that someone has made that I cannot find, or is there a tutorial I can use to make one which I suspect is way beyonf my skill level at this point?
There isn't, as far as I ama ware, a six arm figure - it would probably be quite tricky to do. Usually when people want multi-arm figures they cheat in the way 2D artists and scultpors have always done, just using extra arms (from othrwise invisible figures) overlapping with the originals at the shoulder.
One thing that can help is using collision. Here's an example of a four armed G2M figure where there are two figures, one hidden, with collision to merge the connections.
This has the main figure set to collide with the partially invisible secondary figure, which causes the skin of the torso to extrude over the second figure's upper arms. It's not perfect, but hey.
If you do this with an ACTUAL four armed figure, it should work reasonably well. Another approach would be to use G2M and set the second figure to collide with the main figure, which would cause the second figure's skin to 'pool out' over the main figure a little bit.
For the extra arms to truly be functional they the pectoral muscles so you ideally you would need composite chest, neck and head of the donor figure at the neck/shoulder of the base figure. Of course this is just the nitpicking of someone that has studied a little anatomy.