Background on Environment Pane rendering horrible

Hello everyone!
I have this strange problem since yesterday when I installed new 4.22 version on a fresh and pristine new Windows installation.
Everything works, renders came out beautiful BUT the image I loaded in the Environment Pane results extremely bad looking.
Image is large enough for the render and I used the same scene 5 days ago in the 4.21 version.
That moment it rendered perfectly smooth and accurate, as the image itself it is when you watch it in Photoshop.
I have used the same image a thousand of time before and always fine.
Now, it looks very pixelated and with degradated color zones.
I did raise the threshold but nope, no changes.
Compression matter?
Any ideas????
Thanks in advance!
No issue for me... How bad was it?
It looks like there might be different texture compressions rate (Render Settings > Advanced).
The values sets, when a texture will get medium compression and high compression.
The compression values are set to reduce memory load of the textures, but the disadvantage is that the textures might get compression artifacts.
What are your current values?
You can try to increase the values to see if it get better.