Can D-Form work on clothing?

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

I am looking for a method to "bulge out" clothing to indicate something beneath it. Can an area of clothing be modified to accomodate something like that? Picture someone hiding something inside their coat. That's what I'm going for. Anyone have an experiance with things like that? Thanks in advance.


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Yes you can use the d-former for that. The trick is that once you add a dformer to your prop, in this case the clothes, the fild is all over the prop. So you need to select the field and reduce it in size (often very much) and then move it to the place you want the bulge (use parameters for that, even the rotate is very useful) once you have the place all in the red coloured dots you choose the dformer handle and move it the way you want.

  • Note that weird things can happen with an object such as clothes, which can be posed and/or morphed. The D-Former field affects the object as it is in the zeroed pose — if the object is re-posed, e.g. if it's clothes, by posing the figure it's fit to — then it's very easy for the bit of the object's mesh you want affected to move out from under the zone of the D-Former field. There are two main solutions to this; either very carefully move the D-Former field until it catches up with the to-be-affected part of the mesh, or before posing, use the Spawn Morph button in the D-Form tab to fix the mesh distortion by converting it into an actual morph with a parameter dial. A word of caution; once you've done this, you can't tweak anything, so make sure the D-Former does exactly what you want before hitting the Spawn button.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Hi Kitty,

    I followed some of that. So do I need to usethe d-former when the character is in T pose or can I pose the way i want and then use the d-former very slowly?

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    It depends on the situation. Sometimes it's easier to start in the T-pose, sometimes you should wait until you're satisfied with the pose then work on the D-former. Try it both ways and see which works best for you.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Good point, Trial and error like everything else. Just curious though, once I have it d-formed the way I want, is that able to be saved? Like as a pose preset?

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