Menu item "Open recent..." gone?!

in New Users
I had this menu item under Main menu > File > Open recent
A few days ago I did some UI customizations and there was a DazStudio update so I am not sure if I messed it up, if it has changed in DazStudio or what is going on :) Can somebody help me to get this menu item back?
If you ever saved a Layout with previous version, just load it... "Open Recent..." will be back~
This is the intended behaviour, though there are workarounds. It is much-discussed in the release thread here
If you use File>New the New Scene dialogue will open, it has a tab listing recent files - go there and double-click to open the file (in future, untill you change it, it will always open on the Recent tab and you just need to double-click the desired file).
a wow... thank you, this is okay for me as at least I find the files in this way. I miss the direct menu item (less clicks) but I am glad to see that at least I did not break my daz installation
Same for me. There's no way to have the old "open recents" in the main menu? Thanks
A possible solution how to get this entry back permanently can be found here: