Unofficial Diffeo discord

I created an unofficial Diffeo Discord. I suggested ti a while back and for very valid reasons the creator wasn't down. However this addon has grown in usage and information is spread all over the place. As well something of the like was recently suggested in the issues section of the Diffeo Bitbucket. So, the Unofficial Diffeo discord. I encourage all esp those who answer questions here to come. I've never don this before but I will do what I can to make sure people have a place to discuss DAZ, DIffeo, and anything related.... within reason of course. <===== DEAD
This invite expires after 30 days. To have a permanent invite I would have to open up the server for discord to scan everything and do what they want. Considering the nature in which Diffeo and DAZ get used sometimes I have opted to not go that route. Mind you this does not mean its a place to share pr0n.
This should be a more/closer too permanent invite solution.
I have little time so personally I look here and at bitbucket. But a more free discussion for blender is good since here the TOS is very limiting. If you find any bug or need advanced technical advice the reference stills bitbucket. There's also the blender artists discussion where Thomas is active.
Nice initiative.I might not visit your discord very frequently, but at least I managed to set up an account. I check the bitbucket site daily, so problems should be reported there where I will see them.
100% The discord should only be used for discussion about useage. It should not surplant the bit bucket issue tracker in any way. If anything I would only hope that it would help keep the issue tracker free clutter, so to speak.
This is awesome. I use Diffeo a few times a week and the depth of this program is crazy. I'm signed up and I'll answer any questions I can.
Thank you for setting this up.