Add veins to Michael 6 Swole?
I added the Maximum Vasculum (veins) to Michael 6 Swole.
The are both based on Genesis 2 Male.
The veins only show up if I load Genesis 2 male and turn up the vascularity.
If I load Michael 6 Swole the veins do not show up at all even when turned to the highest setting.
I'm fairly new to DAZ3D Studio. Anyone have any advice for adding veins to Michael 6 Swole morph?
Thanks in advance. :)
I had to up the Render SubD Level (Minimum) to 3 on his Parameters Tab to get the veins to render. Although it's not necessary, if you want to see the veins in the Viewport, up the SubDivision Level on his Parameters Tab higher than 1, though upping subdivision past 1 can affect viewport response depending on your computer hardware.
Attached is a 3Delight render.
Thank you Lindsey! I will give it a try.
That worked. Although it rendered somewhat slower. But I had no trouble with the ViewPort on my machine. Thanks again.
What is a 3Delight render ?? Your render looks so much clearer than mine.
DAZ Studio 4.9 can render in either 3Delight or Iray which is selected on the Render Settings tab, "Engine:" drop down. Your render looks very clear also. Render to a larger size by changing the Dimension Preset and changing the Pixel Size if you're not doing that now to see more detail. Lighting also makes a big difference, but yours render looks pretty good to me.
Thanks for all the advice. Tried 3Delight and looks nice. Will also try render to larger size. :)