How do I lighten the skin only in a render?

Hi all, I am doing a render in which everything else is fine but I would like to have the skin tone lighter so that she looks fair (other than her hair colour which needs to remain the same, thus it can't be done by adding lighting I wouldn't think?) - could someone tell me  the easiest way to achieve that please? See the image below. Thank you! :)


400 x 459 - 169K


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    You could try going to the Surfaces pane, selecting skin, selecting the Subsurface Scatterng, and change the subsurface Colour to White ( it is usually a pinkish colour)

    What figure are you using?

  • Ooooh, my first adventure into sub-surface scattering, how cool and how terrifying, lol! ...  Off to try. I'm using Valerie, G2.

  • Me again - just to say that no matter what I experimented with in SSS, nothing lightened the skintone. So I bought the "Beautiful Skin Iray Genesis 2 Females", installed that today - it's not showing up. I have selected Genesis 2 Female in the SCENE, then gone to Surfaces, and have tried with both "Genesis" and "Victoria 6" (which is who Valerie is for) selected. I have tried with the whole figure selected, and with Skin selected. In all cases I have looked in Presets and in Shaders. Nothing. I am seriously beginning to think that all the thousands of dollars I have spent on 3D, would have been better put to paying someone else to do my artwork for me (*she whined*) ... I KNOW that my Install Manager downloaded and installed. Perhaps in the morning I will try manually downloading and installing, but I may have to take to strong drink if I can't find a solution. For now, good night and thanks for the help so far, much appreciated. I am off to weep into my wine glass ... :D

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891

    Anything that you install with DIM can be easily found.

    Go to the Installed tab in DIM, find the item you want to know about, click on it, then right click and select 'Show Installed Files'.   These are clickable links to all of the files that DIM has installed, ignore any data ones, but yu should see where the main files ent to.

  • Me again - just to say that no matter what I experimented with in SSS, nothing lightened the skintone. So I bought the "Beautiful Skin Iray Genesis 2 Females", installed that today - it's not showing up. I have selected Genesis 2 Female in the SCENE, then gone to Surfaces, and have tried with both "Genesis" and "Victoria 6" (which is who Valerie is for) selected. I have tried with the whole figure selected, and with Skin selected. In all cases I have looked in Presets and in Shaders. Nothing. I am seriously beginning to think that all the thousands of dollars I have spent on 3D, would have been better put to paying someone else to do my artwork for me (*she whined*) ... I KNOW that my Install Manager downloaded and installed. Perhaps in the morning I will try manually downloading and installing, but I may have to take to strong drink if I can't find a solution. For now, good night and thanks for the help so far, much appreciated. I am off to weep into my wine glass ... :D

    No need to ruin a good wine by adding slightly salty water surely.  Beautiful Skin Iray for G2F shows up under People->Genesis 2 Female -> Materials for me.  Personally, I would pay someone to make a logical system for where content gets installed and then make content creators stick to it as the cost would be covered by the time saved not rooting around trying to find where this content creator decided to put their stuff this time...

    Lightening skin tones - from within DS, I have used the Layered Image Editor on the diffuse image texture(s) to do this previously, just by adding a layer, filling it with white and then setting a very low opacity.  The results are not very subtle, you have more control if you use an image editor, but it might serve your purpose here and it does avoid lightening the hair.

  • You're right, I chose to keep the wine pure. lol! ... and I SOOO agree that all contributors should be given a system of what to put where so that its logical - I blame DAZ for not insisting they won't sell stuff unless it follows a pattern. At the very least, there should be directions on the product page on where the heck to find it! ... I FINALLY found it, however - but what a complictated process! This must put a LOT of newbies off, when they start buying product - particularly a LOT of product, like me, and it's all jumbled up and so time-consuming. It's all fabulous when you get the hang of it and when you find stuff that works, but you then have to make copious notes so you remember where everything is! Sheesh!  ... Thanks for all your help and sympathy,. Much aopreciated!  No doubt I'll be back with more questions. lol! (As to the layered image editor, yikes! Now you're scaring me! But I will take a look at that. If I can find it. lolol! Your suggestion makes sense and I had considered doing something similar in my 2D image editor ... I always live in hope of finding an easy and quick way of doing things, but fear this fantasy is driving me more and more to the edge of reality ... :D

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