What is the point of the 91x91 Tip Files in some Zeddicuss pose sets?

in The Commons
What is the point of 91x91 Tip Files in Pose Sets??
I recently took advantage of a banner offering me a decent discount on Zeddicus products. I know almost all their pose sets do not have tip files, but recent sets do have them, as I believe DAZ had a policy change requiring PAs to add tips to their products. Since most of the ones I bought are fairly recent, I was pleased to see about half had tip files, but I was very dismayed to see that the tip files are the same size as the standard png images provided. Indeed the tip files are just duplicates of the 91x91 images.
Is there any point to such tip files, other than wasting bandwidth and hard drive space? Anyone else encountered this pointless tip files?
I guess the point is that they also have other information than the image. Those with small images are probably older products from before they started using larger images.
BTW, I don't recall I've ever seen any icons without tip files, even one of the oldest products I have (SKU 38) has them, though not with an image. I imagine that DS generates them automatically from the data present and if there isn't any image you just get the text info.
Are you sure we are talking about the same files? I am talking about the second image that comes with a duf file, so that it ends in .tip.png. Almost all older products (ie 3-4 years and older) have no tips at all, I am sure SKU 38 had no tips, as I doubt they even existed in DS at that time.
I checked quite a few latest products, from 90507 to 92011... normal png is 91x91 and tip png is 256x256. There seems no problem but Expression Presets have no tip.png...I don't know why. Actually from their 1st G9 pose package - 87431 (https://www.daz3d.com/z-fun-summer-time-for-genesis-9), tip.png are all 256x256...
But yes... agreed, it's pointless if there're both normal + tip.png there but with same size.
DS didn't exist at that time.
As for the original question, I don't know - as far as I know tip files are required, and are required to be 256 pixels square - it maybe worth opening a ticket.
It is 3 separate products that had the 91x91 tip files, and although I have a lot of zeddicuss pose sets, and still only have a fraction of those released, so I assume this issue is in a lot more products than the three I have. Here are the three I found in case anyone is interested:
The Genesis 9 (and the combined 8 and 9s) I have also have 256x256 tips, it is the 8/8.1 that are effected, or at least some of them. The sets before those have no tip files at all.
Yeah, you're right. I double-checked some, most of them have no tip.png but a few packages have, and with such an issue of 'same size'. We may reasonably suggest - if there're no 'rendered big size tip.png', pls DO NOT include the same size ones in the package.
I'm talking about those yellow tooltips you see when you hover the mouse pointer over a preset icon in DS. See screenshot, which shows one of the products you linked to (left) and another product which has larger images, plus the SKU 38 product.
AFAICS the small 91x91 ones (*.png) are the old ones and the *.tip.png are new larger ones which DS shows in the tooltip if they are present, otherwise it shows the old *.png ones. The SKU 38 also has a tooltip like all presets AFAIK have, but no image (the preset images are .rsr files which DS apparently don't show in the tooltip).
I was only refering to the image tip (ie the file that should be 256x256). The text shown on the tip is plucked from the .duf file (or .dsf for older stuff) so should be present for all products.
Yes, as far as I get from the discussion the issue is that some products have tips which are 91x91 only, which of course make them redundant.
I agree, I would be happier with the larger size too. The tip files I create myself are typically 400x400 or 512x512. DS seems to handle the bigger size without issue.
However 256x256 is still far better than 91x91, and for most products, including poses, is big enough to give you a good idea of what will happen when you select them.
Agreed! I routinely re-render tip files to 512 x 512 on products I buy, cause these tired old eyes need all the help they can get.
I usually make my own tip files for everything these days, and make em 1k sized
yeah, probably a bit overkill for a pose lol. I usually don't bother unless it's somethin crazy pose that you can't get the jist of withhout it bein decent sized. It's more for characters and clothings that I need to see some details lol