CDI Space Valkyrie Poses is supposed to have sword compatibility? [Solved, parent to hip]

Hey lads. Parent that bad boy to the hip, not the hand.
Alrighty, so CDI Space Valkyrie Poses for Genesis 9 | Daz 3D includes the following in both the description and readme:
"Let Genesis 9 be your guide to the halls of Valhalla with this set of 20 Valkyrie poses that utilizes Sword 06 from Battle Blades"
(Valhalla being mentioned in a scifi product/bundle aside), I can't seem to figure out how this utilisation is actually implemented, if it is at all. The poses aren't hierarchical, so you can't just parent the sword to the figure. Battle Blades itself doesn't have any gen9 fits either, and manually taking time to line up the sword with the appropriate hand in a zero pose (I tried both the hand and the hand anchor) doesn't work with the poses either, ending up entirely misaligned and misrotated. Even lining it up in one of the poses itself doesn't keep the sword in the correct position for other poses (or if you reload the pose).
I don't suppose anyone's got any ideas? Or is this just a... possibly out of date description?
I don't have the product.
But if you parent a sword to the hand, it will follow the poses.
You would use a hieracical pose if the sword should be parented to the hand in a different position (relatively to the hand).
I checked duf files, actually they're H.Pose Presets, the pose of Sword 06 is included in the preset file. You see no H.Pose mark 'cause the Content Type were wrongly given to the preset files...
I don't have Battle Baldes but if you have it and parent the sword to G9's hand, the presets will work.
Thanks for replying guys! However, I have tried (and just tried again to make sure) parenting the sword to the hand, and still aren't having any luck with it. I've attached some pics (hope they upload), but the sword remains misaligned. I've tried just parenting it normally, parenting it after fully zeroing it out (since the sword only has a left/right hand load, no zero load), parenting it to each hand, using the anchor... I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong D:
//**[[PARENT IT TO THE HIP]]**//
OMFG I FIGURED IT OUT, after having a last-ditch effort. So, for anybody that stumbles across this post in the future, battle blade number 6 *must be parented to G9's hip*. Not the whole figure, not the hand, drag that sucker directly onto the hip and you're good to go. (Also, hello, I hope the future is good)
The product could really do with a mention of that in a tooltip or the readme, but we figured it out :)
You're right. my fault... I forgot to check the sword's parent and took for granted that there'd be a common sense to put the sword in figure's L/R hand ( #l_hand or #r_hand ).
NM ~ that also works.