Question about the daz 4.21 beta

I use 4.15, but lately I downloaded the latest beta to be able to work w daz at the same time as it was working some clothes conversions. I loved the ground fog thing. So trying to render but to my horror there is no way to set the highest value of max samples and max time, I cl on th gear thing and get locked or unlocked, hide un hide, fav or no fav, re set the value to the default I guess, but no parameter editor to set a Way HIGHER highest value. I always set both of those at a very high value, no idea what it does, but that has served me perfectly for all my ys using daz. Now there is no way to edit the default highest value, so daz 4.21 decides my highest max value and time?? forces me? Would be so grateful for some help w this, as I loved the ground fog so much, so I want to be able to use it in some renders, but if I can't set my own render settings the way I want in my art, then f..k ground fog. But as I said, I would love to find out a way around this. What to do? if it's a beta only thing then I have to be without that fog, as I want to keep my 4.15 and I don't think I have the installer anymore for it. Thanks in advance for help w this. Daz is serious business for me so panicking right now.
Googling tells me that no one but me have every had this issue, as I find no recult for it, no help. Have they really removed the parameters editor for max samples and max time?
This is discussed at length in the Beta thread
Thank you both for the replies. What is the environment node?
This is the Environement Options node, as attached.
Thank you so much for the reply
, feel I'm loosing my mind w this. What is it w new versions of daz that makes them want to make things hard than it has to be?
I looked at the enviroment node and under parameters like in the sc sh and I find no settings for max samples or max time. Is is supposed to be there? could someone point me to where it is w a screenshot? Thanks in advance. They can't have removed that paremeters edit thing for max samples and max time so it must be there somewhere, but where?
They're in here - as attched.
Thank you so much for trying to help me w this, I appreciate it so much
. I do know where the max samples settings are, my problem is that there is no way to edit the highest possible nr of max samples or max time, I get no parameters editor, just fav or no fav, hide or no hide, lock or unlock and re set the value - to default or lowest, but no way to edit the highest possible value.
Ah... so you mean you've installed the latest Public Build ? and you see no Parameters menu item after clicking that Gear icon? ... then have no way to edit Min and Max... If so, it's a bug that someone reported in the above thread...
Yep, beta, just downloaded and started w it a few ds ago since I need to work w daz while it was working w converting outfits. So it is supposed to be a parameters edit thing? I have read the last 2 pages of that thread, and I understand English well, but it's like they are speaking another language. It sounds like there is supposed to be such an option if I look in the right place but there isn't . I found one sc shot of where the paramters are supposed to be but there isn't for me, no matter that I have selected the env node. Are you sure that it's a bug? if so it might get fixed and I can have some hope for the future of my daz work. I read someone say that the path to the parameters thing is different. But you are sure that that thing is a bug? sorry, just feel they cut off my hands by not allowing me to set my own rendersettings the way I have for years.
The lack of Parameter Settings is not a bug, as discussed in the linked thread. Locking this one to avoid more cross-purpose posting.