Need help with Shape Rigger Plus G9 edition

Need help with Shape Rigger Plus G9 edition
The rigging part works fine so far but when I created a data destination folder for it to save the shape info to nothing appears in the folder so not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Not saving morph.png
762 x 504 - 24K
Post edited by RAMWolff on
As you can see the two buttons below are grayed out so there must be something I'm not doing correctly to make those available ....
You haven't given it a product name, which is used for the folder within the Dta/Publicher/Figure/Morphs/Author/ folder
OH, I thought that when I just didn't give it a name that it would just dump all the morphs into my RAMWorks folder!
You are correct though Richard. I guess using the save dialog part does little good though if I have to fix all the eyes and then resave. Hmmmm.
Rigger Plus, the most accurate rigging / freezing tool.