Daz 3D Subscription Confirmation...what?

in The Commons
Got an email , apparently from DAZ, where they want me to click the link to "complete my subscription". What subscription would that be? I've not tried to re-new any subscribtion here (NEVER) so won't click the link. Would be curious for an explanation, though.
Someone else asked that yesterday, we have sent a query in to Daz but not yet had a reply.
Sounds phishy...
It seems to be genuine, if unclear - though this is only the second one I have heard of. I suspect it is a small test of something, and probably not meant to have been sent out into the world - but that is very much an impression, not official.
I though this same thing happened in the past, and it turned out it was legitimate, not SPAM or phishing. I'll see if I can find a link to the old forum thread.
Here's the old thread link.
Ok tks folks, I'll stand by for some sort of explanation/confirmation.
This is what it looks like.
Yes, I got that too, but I thought - wrongly it seems - that it was from me aciddentally changinb my email notifications in messages.
So it looks like it was about subscribing to getting email notifications? Not sure, and I'll leave it with that. [Email deleted]
Tks for nothing, DAZ, you made me feel unsecure there for a moment...
I was the one that mentioned it yesterday. I was worried that my computer was infected and the email was actually being sent by some nefarious 3rd party hoping to get people to click on their links. Windows malware & antivirus check came up clean, but they're not foolproof.
I provided Daz with the source listing of the email in case the full headers would show something but haven't heard back yet.
Edit to add: At no time in the past months have I changed email notifications or done anything else that might be interpreted as a "subscription".
Yeah, all valid concerns! Tks!
We did send the info on, thank you.
In most email programs you can hover the mouse pointer over the link, then it will show the actual URL (which may be different from the one the link shows, if it shows one) in some way.
My simple rule is that I don't click on a link unless I know, without a doubt, that it is legitimate.