Visa Gift Card not working!
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Visa Gift Card not working!

in The Commons
I was given a Visa gift card. It has money on it. It worked at another store. I tried to make a purchase but it said there was a problem.
Has anyone successfully used a Visa Gift Card in the marketplace? If so, did you do anything special to make it work?
If this has been answered, sorry. I tried the search, but it doesn't work (it just searches the marketplace, not the forums.
Hmmmm ... due to traveling, I have had to use gift cards to make purchases. They have worked without any problem (except once ... see below). The two things I have learned about them along the way are:
) one, if I buy a gift card in the United States, it can only be used in the United States ... it does not do foreign transactions. I do not know if cards from other nations act the same way.
) two, if you make multiple purchases in a short time and you bring a card down close to empty, it might temporarily not work while it processes things and tries to decide if you still have enough funds on it for another purchase. This is what happened the one time I could not make a purchase. I think I was told that using the entire card balance is preferred to bringing the balance low..
I do not know if either of these could be your issue, but it is something to consider.
I have used MC gift cards since I figured what to put in and where. Daz Support was unable to help, but when I got the card working with PayPal, I figured out what the problem was.
In my case the problem was the billing address. the "Address 1" had to be name of the card "WHATEVER GIFT", and "Address 2" the street address of the gift card company.
Still can't get them working in the stores starting with "R"
Wow, it's so strange that I'm in a similar situation. I just got a gift card in the form of a MC Debit card, I tried to transfer the money to my Paypal account and it wouldn't complete it. I can link it to my PayPal payments methods though, hopefully it will actually work.
Linked MC Gift Cards have worked for me in PayPal, but I don't like going that route because linking the card for just a couple of purchases (max 150eur limit on prepaid cards in EU) is an extra step, then one has to delete the card and link a new one.
Using these cards is in my opinion the best and safest way for making online purchases. Whatever happens, one can only loose what's left on the card and when one has used up the money on the card, nobody can use the card details to get access to ones money because the card is not even linked to ones identity, only to a mobile phone number on a prepaid card that is not linked to ones identity either.
Yeah, I like that I don't have to use my own cc numbers or account info for a purchase with these debit cards. I'm just confused as to why Paypal wouldn't let me transfer the money to my PP account.
I think most of those cards have the stipulation that you can't get money back from them, like at an ATM. Transferring money to Paypal would also be getting money back from the card.
A Visa gift card purchased at store in your country only works in your country. I purchased a Visa gift card at a retailer in Ontario, Canada. It could only be used to make purchases for in-store or online purchases that were done in Canadiain currency. To get around this you could try registering the card in your PayPal account and choosing it at purchase time. Once the transaction is completed then you could un-register the card.
A note of warning. The DAZ store may only be able to give you a credit to your DAZ account if a refund was requested. They could not put it back on the card. I believe this is also true at brick and mortar stores since the Visa gift card is not like a personal credit card from Visa.
I have won Visa gift cards at trade shows in the USA and I could only use them in the USA. Canada retailers would try and process the Visa gift card and it was listed as not valid so I would try and spend the card value before returning to the Canada.