Any recommendations for a Mini PC?

Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,805
edited October 2023 in The Commons

I started thinking it would be nice to have a small computer that could handle my multimedia files (and streaming), browsing the web, and reading my Kindle books. I like using my 32" TV connected via HDMI for a monitor.

I like to think I could get a good mini PC to suit my needs, somewhere around the $200-$300 range. How feasible is this? An example would be the TrigKey AMD Ryzen mini computer with 16 GB or RAM and a 500GB SSD. I'd likely want to upgrade to the maximum possible capacity of SSD.

I welcome anyone's input, opinions or experience.

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  • TimberWolfTimberWolf Posts: 290
    edited October 2023

    As long as you don't want to output 4k video, any mini pc in your budget will be absolutely fine. Personally, I'd stay away from the Chinese brands such as the one you linked to as any support outside of Amazon's return period is likely to be time consuming at best, unavailable at worst.

    Brands like HP, Dell and so on are perceived as dull and worthy but are bought by businesses in their millions because they're put together reasonably well and last. Support and warranties are local.

    My parents *did* want 4k video so I bought them an Intel NUC 11 which is towards the top end of your price range. One wireless mouse, job done. A decent but not ultra-fast 4TB SSD would cost you another $200.

    Honestly, you could close your eyes, stab a web page with your finger and buy the one it landed one; they're all built from the same laptop components, perform roughly the same and chances are that even that Shenzhen built one would serve you perfectly well. However, considering an American brand (I'm assuming you're American!) isn't much more expensive that's what I would go for. Buy what a business would buy.

    (Edited to add: Almost all of them use passive cooling, i.e. no fans. You'll need to keep it in a reasonably well ventilated space and don't stick a honking great TV on top of it or hide it in a small cupboard. That will end in tears!)

    Post edited by TimberWolf on
  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,805

    Timberwolf, thanks for your response and insights. I'd like to output 4K video, I might have the Mini PC next to my recliner. That's where I currently use the home-built PC. Or I might have it on the entertainment center near the TV.

    I was thinking of using Plex server to handle the multimedia. I just think sometimes that it's a waste to have a "big" PC chugging away, when it's mostly used to surf the web or play multimedia.

    Yes, I am in the US, in Minnesota!

  • Most of these mini PCs will draw somewhere around 20-30W which is about a tenth of what a standard PC with a reasonably modern GPU would demand. From a financial point of view it would take a long, long, long very long time to recoup the purchase cost from your utility bill (I think I'm saying that correctly!) but you're absolutely right. One less full tower PC requires less fossil-fuel powered electricity or, like my parents, if you're running on solar/battery then it's the difference between 1 hour of running a standard PC vs. 10 hours of the mini.

    Both my parents and I live in Scotland, albeit in different areas, so our solar generation is not exactly what I'd call fantastic. California it is not!

    I don't think your example will run 4k video smoothly. It can output a 4K display, maybe even multiple 4k monitors, but that's not the same thing. You will need to look at the higher end of your budget for something that won't disappoint. Intel's 500 series of onboard GPUs will struggle.

  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,805

    Timberwolf, I agree on the need for a more expensive computer. Then I'd be getting close to the price of a "baseline Mac mini.

    I had switched to Macs in 2007, and talked my family into buying them as well. But we know Macs are lousy working with DAZ Studio. And PC's are nice because we can build our own.

    Maybe I'll hold off on the new computer idea. I already have two PC desktops and one PC Notebook. I barely have room to use them all. Hence, the idea of a Mini PC.

  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,805

    I think this GMKtech has promise with a 1TB SSD & 16 GB RAM. But I'd rather have a 2TB SSD to hold my multimedia. The $359 price tage gives me pause.


  • vrba79vrba79 Posts: 1,432

    There's a channel called ETA Prime who regularly reviews these things.

  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,805

    vrba79 thanks for the info.

  • vrba79vrba79 Posts: 1,432

    No problem. He's my go-to for "I want that. I can't afford that, but I want that!" gadget reviews.

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