I don't always have many answers. But I've been leery of trying to help after so many people ignored my answers.
I ran into that problem recently here in my apartment building. I was telling people about how my new smart watch helps me keep track of my sleeping patterns. One lady jumped into the conversation and asked me to give her the brand name, etc. I gave her the info, and, weeks later, she hasn't even acknowledged that I gave her the info. I told one staff member about the watch. She got the info, and went to Target the next day to buy the watch. I don't try to "sell" people on such things. I just like to share my experiences, and people are intrigued and amused.
The other thing I haven't seen mentioned (perhaps I missed it), is that the longtimers are older now and may have different lives from when they started this hobby/profession. Longtimers may have been single when they got into this hobby, but now are married with kids that take up their time. I was in my 30s when I started this hobby. Now I have grandchildren that I spend a lot of time with. Some people may have limited time because they are now caregivers to elderly parents or a sick partner, or they may have debilitating health issues that limit their "good" days. Some people lost their jobs and can't afford this hobby anymore. Some people spent time on home renovations or repairs. Etc., etc. There is a whole other life outside of these forums and outside of the internet. It's not just what happens in here that keeps people away.
agreed... and I also mentioned earlier... that some may have passed away. We have lost a few great peeps that used to paruze this forum regularly. I sure miss them. They always had something nice to say... Chohole... Jaderail .. just to name a few. I'm sure there are others :( Hope they are smiling down on us. Is Totte still with us??? bigh??? Carola O??? etc.. etc.. etc........
I don't always have many answers. But I've been leery of trying to help after so many people ignored my answers.
I ran into that problem recently here in my apartment building. I was telling people about how my new smart watch helps me keep track of my sleeping patterns. One lady jumped into the conversation and asked me to give her the brand name, etc. I gave her the info, and, weeks later, she hasn't even acknowledged that I gave her the info. I told one staff member about the watch. She got the info, and went to Target the next day to buy the watch. I don't try to "sell" people on such things. I just like to share my experiences, and people are intrigued and amused.
That was so kind of you Ron... hopefully the original lady is ok. :)
Liola Lane, I've been in this building for almost two years. I've decided I like everyone. If someone is a bit irritating, I just roll with it. I say hi to everyone. It's amazing how just a little kindness goes a long way.
And I feel very fortunate that people find my experiences and hobbies interesting. I like to say "they're easily amused!"
The other thing I haven't seen mentioned (perhaps I missed it), is that the longtimers are older now and may have different lives from when they started this hobby/profession. Longtimers may have been single when they got into this hobby, but now are married with kids that take up their time. I was in my 30s when I started this hobby. Now I have grandchildren that I spend a lot of time with. Some people may have limited time because they are now caregivers to elderly parents or a sick partner, or they may have debilitating health issues that limit their "good" days. Some people lost their jobs and can't afford this hobby anymore. Some people spent time on home renovations or repairs. Etc., etc. There is a whole other life outside of these forums and outside of the internet. It's not just what happens in here that keeps people away.
agreed... and I also mentioned earlier... that some may have passed away. We have lost a few great peeps that used to paruze this forum regularly. I sure miss them. They always had something nice to say... Chohole... Jaderail .. just to name a few. I'm sure there are others :( Hope they are smiling down on us. Is Totte still with us??? bigh??? Carola O??? etc.. etc.. etc........
This is *also* something I was thinking about. When someone talks about this community fizzling, the first two names that pop to mind are Chohole and Jaderail. Totte is indeed still around (last RRRR I found https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/650126/rrrr-behind-the-scenes-render-contest ). I was chatting with him this morning I think (or yesterday maybe) XD A *lot* of the vendors that used to post a lot are busier now with work (which is cool because yay more work, but then boo less playtime).
We've also lost a *ton* of vendors. It is almost staggering to me how many have passed away the last few years, and none of them were really expected (both here and at Renderosity). Off the top of my head, I can think of about 20 (which I won't list because there were never large announcements for most and if that's what the families wanted, I'll leave it there).
My TBI has caused a once very quiet person's (that would be me) thoughts to be running a hundred miles a minute all my waking moments. I don't like that as it's not really the personality I was born with. Because I was not permitted to join the local gym facility open to the local public here (through no fault of my own so don't misread that), that excess energy winds up being expressed in forums, Facebook, LinkedIn, and such, where I am relatively confident it will get ignored by most so as not to needlessly bend a person who is actuallly istening's ear all day, daya after day. Now that I'm allowed to go to the public gym once again, that excess energy is getting burned up in a way that is more helpful to myself personally. I think it will be a while before my post count in the DAZ forums hits 20K now.
These forums are clicky, for one. It's also frustrating when someone posts a legitimate question, whether you're the poster or just observing, and you see it get outright ignored by most and then intentionally derailed by others. It feels bad, and it doesn't make people want to participate. I realize not everybody will have the answer to something, but when some silly sarcastic response gets 20 comments and the actual topic doesn't even get a second read it creates an unwelcoming environment for new people.
Of course, there's other factors at play, as general interaction is down everywhere, but let's not pretend that this particular forum is really just the same people making jokes and going around in circles with each other at the expense of often ignoring the main point of the post. There's just so much BS that gets posted here that nobody wants to sift through it to try to get some help.
That all sounds negative, but it's just my perspecitve and it is what it is. People need a place to vent and joke around, too, so it's OK that this is what that is, it just also means that we can't be surprised when useage continues to slowly fade away.
I've got to agree as well. I know I have asked questions that never received any sort of response, though those were always in existing threads and may have been simply lost in the chatter. I have seen post that have gone without a response that I couldn't help with too. But I have always gotten some sort of response when I've asked a question by creating a new thread.
I'm mostly a lurker. As a lurker I can definitely say IMHO that forum participation as dropped significantly over the past 1-2 years. I think that technical issues/glitches may have been a big part of it, but that could be a biased observation simply because it gave me the impression that DAZ really didn't care much about the forums anymore.
I try to participate when I feel I have something to add. But I'm generally a very quite person in real life, and that carries over to the forums as well. I must admit that lately I've felt like I have less to add (or that others will add more value than I will), so I remain silent more often than I used to.
As others have noted, I think social media use and less interest in forums by younger generations may contribute to the loss in participation as well.
duckbomb I hope I wasn't one of them, I tend to derail threads, am worse in real life conversations going off on tangents, am a bit neurodivergent though shouldn't use that as an excuse
fixed the latter by not talking to and avoiding people
duckbomb I hope I wasn't one of them, I tend to derail threads, am worse in real life conversations going off on tangents, am a bit neurodivergent though shouldn't use that as an excuse
fixed the latter by not talking to and avoiding people
I'm also neurodivergent, both ASD and ADHD. I sometimes struggle with social niceties and can come off as cold or even rude (not to mention flakey lol). It's certainly not my intention to offend anyone.
Is Totte still with us??? bigh??? Carola O??? etc.. etc.. etc........
Tottes latest 9:01, bigh 2019 and Carola O October 11th.
I looked at my old forum challenges (thank you Daz for keeping them)... They used to join in my challenges but I don't see them anymore. I was wondering... I guess bigh must be gone then :(... so sad. (sighs)
Liola Lane, I've been in this building for almost two years. I've decided I like everyone. If someone is a bit irritating, I just roll with it. I say hi to everyone. It's amazing how just a little kindness goes a long way.
And I feel very fortunate that people find my experiences and hobbies interesting. I like to say "they're easily amused!"
The world sure needs more kindness... I try to be positive and say hi too. ;)
duckbomb I hope I wasn't one of them, I tend to derail threads, am worse in real life conversations going off on tangents, am a bit neurodivergent though shouldn't use that as an excuse
fixed the latter by not talking to and avoiding people
Hi Wendy!
While I'm not duckbomb, I did agree with him so I'll just note that typically your "off on tangents" posts don't really detract from the threads, as they are tangentially linked to the original topic (if that's even a real concept). They often add to or enrich the discussion. The posts I'm thinking of are the ones where the original intent of the thread is never really addressed, and the thread goes off in a totally different direction.
I think derailing the thread before an answer is given can be very detrimental, especially when the comments/views counters are actually working (something else DAZ needs to fix again). Someone with the answer could easily look at the thread title, see that quite a number of comments have been posted, and think that the question must have already been answered. So you don't even look at the thread to see if there was a resolution to the problem.
Edit: Opps!! Looks like DAZ has fixed the counters again!!
The other thing I haven't seen mentioned (perhaps I missed it), is that the longtimers are older now and may have different lives from when they started this hobby/profession. Longtimers may have been single when they got into this hobby, but now are married with kids that take up their time. I was in my 30s when I started this hobby. Now I have grandchildren that I spend a lot of time with. Some people may have limited time because they are now caregivers to elderly parents or a sick partner, or they may have debilitating health issues that limit their "good" days. Some people lost their jobs and can't afford this hobby anymore. Some people spent time on home renovations or repairs. Etc., etc. There is a whole other life outside of these forums and outside of the internet. It's not just what happens in here that keeps people away.
agreed... and I also mentioned earlier... that some may have passed away. We have lost a few great peeps that used to paruze this forum regularly. I sure miss them. They always had something nice to say... Chohole... Jaderail .. just to name a few. I'm sure there are others :( Hope they are smiling down on us. Is Totte still with us??? bigh??? Carola O??? etc.. etc.. etc........
This is *also* something I was thinking about. When someone talks about this community fizzling, the first two names that pop to mind are Chohole and Jaderail. Totte is indeed still around (last RRRR I found https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/650126/rrrr-behind-the-scenes-render-contest ). I was chatting with him this morning I think (or yesterday maybe) XD A *lot* of the vendors that used to post a lot are busier now with work (which is cool because yay more work, but then boo less playtime).
We've also lost a *ton* of vendors. It is almost staggering to me how many have passed away the last few years, and none of them were really expected (both here and at Renderosity). Off the top of my head, I can think of about 20 (which I won't list because there were never large announcements for most and if that's what the families wanted, I'll leave it there).
Thanks ChangelingChick... It's amazing to me how this one little thread has sparked interest from peeps I've never met before! lol. Sooo nice to see some familiar names also. I like seeing the PAs visit us 'common folk' now and then too.
I looked through my past challenges to find names of those who I used to see regularly... Chohole and Jaderail where at the top and always had nice words to say about my challenges. It sometimes hurts to go down memory lane... so I'll just remember them and the others that have passed and smile :)
duckbomb I hope I wasn't one of them, I tend to derail threads, am worse in real life conversations going off on tangents, am a bit neurodivergent though shouldn't use that as an excuse
fixed the latter by not talking to and avoiding people
I'm also neurodivergent, both ASD and ADHD. I sometimes struggle with social niceties and can come off as cold or even rude (not to mention flakey lol). It's certainly not my intention to offend anyone.
Samesies!! XD And I have 2 kids just like me XD My husband feels so left out half the time because he thinks so differently from us (and he has ADHD).
I have avoiding comment since there is something that I have been mulling in my mind but here goes. I agree there are a few reasons why forum participation is down. There are a few reasons why I have slowed down too.
The first is the combination of the economy, the fallout of being home because of Covid, and the launch of Genesis 9. It is not as much fun to communicate online because we have done too much communicating online. Genesis 9 has added a new wrinkle. I have lived through the shift from the earliest stuff to the current figures; this feels slightly different that there is a large enough group who are married to their old content that it is next to impossible to shift to a new figure. I think this will eventually pass.
The second point is connected to that last point. There is an odd mix of users in the forums which seems like an elderly junior clique and newbies. Personally, I hate the jokey derailing and stodgy resistance to change.
The third point is purely personal. My computer has just died so everything I can talk about is theoretical until the replacement arrives.
Finally, I had an unfortunate experience. In one thread, I saw a little grouping of comments between a forum member, a PA, and a Daz Forum moderator that seemed to me rude and ignorant and definitely outside of TOS. I was a little too surprised to screenshot the exchange and decided I should comment that this is inappropriate. To borrow some Marvel Loki terminology, the timeline of the exchange was pruned and the exchange disappeared before I could comment. Now, I feel a little strange. I have spoken privately with the PA in the past and it was a very pleasant exchange but now I wonder if the PA knew my race, it would have gone differently or whether the moderator could delete a comment of mine without inserting their personal feelings. I haven't decided how completely how I feel about this. Realistically, the sausage is made behind the scenes and the forum is made of a variety of personalities so I should expect that there will be lows with the highs. Nonetheless, it has made me more cautious.
Finally, I had an unfortunate experience. In one thread, I saw a little grouping of comments between a forum member, a PA, and a Daz Forum moderator that seemed to me rude and ignorant and definitely outside of TOS. I was a little too surprised to screenshot the exchange and decided I should comment that this is inappropriate. To borrow some Marvel Loki terminology, the timeline of the exchange was pruned and the exchange disappeared before I could comment. Now, I feel a little strange. I have spoken privately with the PA in the past and it was a very pleasant exchange but now I wonder if the PA knew my race, it would have gone differently or whether the moderator could delete a comment of mine without inserting their personal feelings. I haven't decided how completely how I feel about this. Realistically, the sausage is made behind the scenes and the forum is made of a variety of personalities so I should expect that there will be lows with the highs. Nonetheless, it has made me more cautious.
I really hate that happened :( You've always been one of my favorite forum folks because you always manage a positive word (at least when I've seen you post), and you frequently post renders when you get new stuff, and that's my favorite (because I forget to look in the gallery until someone tells me there's something cool in the gallery XD ). I hope it doesn't put you off. But I'm not one to talk. My presence has definitely been trimmed down the last year or so.
Finally, I had an unfortunate experience. In one thread, I saw a little grouping of comments between a forum member, a PA, and a Daz Forum moderator that seemed to me rude and ignorant and definitely outside of TOS. I was a little too surprised to screenshot the exchange and decided I should comment that this is inappropriate. To borrow some Marvel Loki terminology, the timeline of the exchange was pruned and the exchange disappeared before I could comment. Now, I feel a little strange. I have spoken privately with the PA in the past and it was a very pleasant exchange but now I wonder if the PA knew my race, it would have gone differently or whether the moderator could delete a comment of mine without inserting their personal feelings. I haven't decided how completely how I feel about this. Realistically, the sausage is made behind the scenes and the forum is made of a variety of personalities so I should expect that there will be lows with the highs. Nonetheless, it has made me more cautious.
I really hate that happened :( You've always been one of my favorite forum folks because you always manage a positive word (at least when I've seen you post), and you frequently post renders when you get new stuff, and that's my favorite (because I forget to look in the gallery until someone tells me there's something cool in the gallery XD ). I hope it doesn't put you off. But I'm not one to talk. My presence has definitely been trimmed down the last year or so.
First, thank you... your products literally give me joy. It wasn't the most traumatic thing in my life (someone called me a racial slur and threatened my life when I was 7 or two policemen made my brother and me stand hands above our heads and faces pressed against a chain link fence while our classmates walked by and the actual crime victim yelled at the officers that these kids didn't match her description. The traumatic part was I stupidly told my dad, a senior detective at the time, and he made the officers come to our house and apologize to us. We lived in terror that whole summer in fear of revenge). Realistically, everyone in the forum is human and says stupid things. It was just the first time I have ever felt "unwelcome" since Daz3d started.
duckbomb I hope I wasn't one of them, I tend to derail threads, am worse in real life conversations going off on tangents, am a bit neurodivergent though shouldn't use that as an excuse
fixed the latter by not talking to and avoiding people
I'm also neurodivergent, both ASD and ADHD. I sometimes struggle with social niceties and can come off as cold or even rude (not to mention flakey lol). It's certainly not my intention to offend anyone.
Samesies!! XD And I have 2 kids just like me XD My husband feels so left out half the time because he thinks so differently from us (and he has ADHD).
HAHAHA! Two kids for me as well, but only one is like me. The other one and their dad are ADHD and very social and emotional creatures. We don't get them and they don't get us. But somehow we muddled through it without killing each other :D
@nemesis10 I am so sorry that happened to you. My observations are that you're knowledgeable and helpful, and I appreciate that. I hope you stick around. I have visibly mixed-race grandchildren and sometimes we get really ugly looks from folks on both sides. They are both honour roll students and extremely well-behaved kids, so it's not because of bratty behaviour, and it certainly isn't for their attire either. It's just that those people are racists. Logically, I know some people are just like that, but it really infuriates me that we are judged simply because of their skin colour. I say "we" because I get the filthy looks too, for the crime of having "left my lane". (Most people think I'm their mother and I had a large role in raising them due to their mom going to school while working full time.) In this day and age that mentality has no place. I don't understand it from the perspective of being a member of an oft-targeted racial group, but I do understand it from the perspective of raising children who are and having to teach them to always be careful lest they be unfairly targeted.
duckbomb I hope I wasn't one of them, I tend to derail threads, am worse in real life conversations going off on tangents, am a bit neurodivergent though shouldn't use that as an excuse
fixed the latter by not talking to and avoiding people
I'm also neurodivergent, both ASD and ADHD. I sometimes struggle with social niceties and can come off as cold or even rude (not to mention flakey lol). It's certainly not my intention to offend anyone.
I've never been diagnosed, but I'm increasingly finding that the consensus among people who know me is that I'm autistic, which I've long suspected I might be. I was talking to a woman, and she practically stopped me mid-sentence to ask if I was neurodivergent, because she recognized a lot of her own behaviors in me. I went home and told my wife about it, and she immediately just said "yeah", so apparently she's known for a while. As far as ADHD, I'm never doing fewer than three things at a time.
duckbomb I hope I wasn't one of them, I tend to derail threads, am worse in real life conversations going off on tangents, am a bit neurodivergent though shouldn't use that as an excuse
fixed the latter by not talking to and avoiding people
I'm also neurodivergent, both ASD and ADHD. I sometimes struggle with social niceties and can come off as cold or even rude (not to mention flakey lol). It's certainly not my intention to offend anyone.
I've never been diagnosed, but I'm increasingly finding that the consensus among people who know me is that I'm autistic, which I've long suspected I might be. I was talking to a woman, and she practically stopped me mid-sentence to ask if I was neurodivergent, because she recognized a lot of her own behaviors in me. I went home and told my wife about it, and she immediately just said "yeah", so apparently she's known for a while. As far as ADHD, I'm never doing fewer than three things at a time.
I do a lot of the behaviours like Stimming (and got in trouble for disrespecting people at work by clapping when they were horrid to me) I score on the very edge in all the online Autism tests, 30 in most being the cutoff and I vary around 28 to 32 , I don't really consider myself autistic though more eccentric a label I used from teen years but nerodivergent covers it all.
My brother and SIL showed no surprise when I suggested I might be on the spectrum, they both think I am more so than I do, Mum knew something was different about me and took me to psychologists in my early teen but back in the 80's women were not generally believed to be autistic and I mask behaviours, I read fiction books and watched TV to learn how to act and basically saw myself as putting on an act all my life, assumed everyone else did.
Quite frankly I am shocked now how easily others are able to socialiize and always thought I must be stupid and tactless.
Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel too. Socializing is a dread. I would much rather stand in the corner and watch people, than talk to anyone. And when I do talk I seem to end up saying something completely uninteresting to them, or I end up somehow insulting them when all I was trying to do was elicit deeper conversation than who aunt Mary is shaking up with this year, or which day hunting season starts, or recent Sasquach siteings, or who won some #@$%@# ball game. I can talk to machines all day, but people are a mystery. I did much better when I lived in Washington DC, immersed in the DC & NYC gay leather scene, and working for a think-tank full of wierd science people like me. But throw me into a room full of relatives, or other strangers, and I shrink like testicles in the Arctic. Socializing, it's not for everybody.
Same with me. As I like to tell folks that wonder why I'm not more social.... I just tell them "I hate most folks because they are rude and loud and disrespectful of others" and while there is truth there I use that excuse to stay "in my cave" and do quiet things around the house. I do venture out to the gym but always try to pick times when there's no one there or very few people there. When I HAVE to go out to run errands I don't always pick the best times and find myself saying to myself "to many *expletive* people, ground yourself". Doesn't make me weird, just makes me ME. I've aways been like that. I don't consider myelf on the spectrum either but maybe I am. At almost 63 years of age at this point I really don't care! LOL
Her bag is full and her wallet is empty. Can she resist the temptation of the store?
Before I read the description, the concern on her face and the way she was clutching the bag, she looked like a person who may have been recently mugged r purse snatched. It's good to hear, its just a shopping addiction.
Her bag is full and her wallet is empty. Can she resist the temptation of the store?
Before I read the description, the concern on her face and the way she was clutching the bag, she looked like a person who may have been recently mugged r purse snatched. It's good to hear, its just a shopping addiction.
I must have been manifesting how I look when I open the Daz Store to see what will tempt me to part with money today.
Just to chime in on the original topic yeah, just been busy with work and life, I havent made any music or rendered anything. I've also wondereed where are some of the people who use to frequent here, like Sci Fi Funk who was rendering a cyber city all in Carrara but he has fallen off the internet and the YouTube channel seems to have been closed.
I don't always have many answers. But I've been leery of trying to help after so many people ignored my answers.
I ran into that problem recently here in my apartment building. I was telling people about how my new smart watch helps me keep track of my sleeping patterns. One lady jumped into the conversation and asked me to give her the brand name, etc. I gave her the info, and, weeks later, she hasn't even acknowledged that I gave her the info. I told one staff member about the watch. She got the info, and went to Target the next day to buy the watch. I don't try to "sell" people on such things. I just like to share my experiences, and people are intrigued and amused.
agreed... and I also mentioned earlier... that some may have passed away. We have lost a few great peeps that used to paruze this forum regularly. I sure miss them. They always had something nice to say... Chohole... Jaderail .. just to name a few. I'm sure there are others :( Hope they are smiling down on us. Is Totte still with us??? bigh??? Carola O??? etc.. etc.. etc........
That was so kind of you Ron... hopefully the original lady is ok. :)
Tottes latest 9:01, bigh 2019 and Carola O October 11th.
Liola Lane, I've been in this building for almost two years. I've decided I like everyone. If someone is a bit irritating, I just roll with it. I say hi to everyone. It's amazing how just a little kindness goes a long way.
And I feel very fortunate that people find my experiences and hobbies interesting. I like to say "they're easily amused!"
This is *also* something I was thinking about. When someone talks about this community fizzling, the first two names that pop to mind are Chohole and Jaderail. Totte is indeed still around (last RRRR I found https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/650126/rrrr-behind-the-scenes-render-contest ). I was chatting with him this morning I think (or yesterday maybe) XD A *lot* of the vendors that used to post a lot are busier now with work (which is cool because yay more work, but then boo less playtime).
We've also lost a *ton* of vendors. It is almost staggering to me how many have passed away the last few years, and none of them were really expected (both here and at Renderosity). Off the top of my head, I can think of about 20 (which I won't list because there were never large announcements for most and if that's what the families wanted, I'll leave it there).
My TBI has caused a once very quiet person's (that would be me) thoughts to be running a hundred miles a minute all my waking moments. I don't like that as it's not really the personality I was born with. Because I was not permitted to join the local gym facility open to the local public here (through no fault of my own so don't misread that), that excess energy winds up being expressed in forums, Facebook, LinkedIn, and such, where I am relatively confident it will get ignored by most so as not to needlessly bend a person who is actuallly istening's ear all day, daya after day.
Now that I'm allowed to go to the public gym once again, that excess energy is getting burned up in a way that is more helpful to myself personally. I think it will be a while before my post count in the DAZ forums hits 20K now. 
Well, if Mada's still around, it's another simple render, but I put the Raven Black outfit to use:
Gallery Link
I've got to agree as well. I know I have asked questions that never received any sort of response, though those were always in existing threads and may have been simply lost in the chatter. I have seen post that have gone without a response that I couldn't help with too. But I have always gotten some sort of response when I've asked a question by creating a new thread.
I'm mostly a lurker. As a lurker I can definitely say IMHO that forum participation as dropped significantly over the past 1-2 years. I think that technical issues/glitches may have been a big part of it, but that could be a biased observation simply because it gave me the impression that DAZ really didn't care much about the forums anymore.
I try to participate when I feel I have something to add. But I'm generally a very quite person in real life, and that carries over to the forums as well. I must admit that lately I've felt like I have less to add (or that others will add more value than I will), so I remain silent more often than I used to.
As others have noted, I think social media use and less interest in forums by younger generations may contribute to the loss in participation as well.
duckbomb I hope I wasn't one of them,
I tend to derail threads, am worse in real life conversations going off on tangents, am a bit neurodivergent though shouldn't use that as an excuse
fixed the latter by not talking to and avoiding people
I'm also neurodivergent, both ASD and ADHD. I sometimes struggle with social niceties and can come off as cold or even rude (not to mention flakey lol). It's certainly not my intention to offend anyone.
I looked at my old forum challenges (thank you Daz for keeping them)... They used to join in my challenges but I don't see them anymore. I was wondering... I guess bigh must be gone then :(... so sad. (sighs)
The world sure needs more kindness... I try to be positive and say hi too. ;)
Hi Wendy!
While I'm not duckbomb, I did agree with him so I'll just note that typically your "off on tangents" posts don't really detract from the threads, as they are tangentially linked to the original topic (if that's even a real concept). They often add to or enrich the discussion. The posts I'm thinking of are the ones where the original intent of the thread is never really addressed, and the thread goes off in a totally different direction.
I think derailing the thread before an answer is given can be very detrimental, especially when the comments/views counters are actually working (something else DAZ needs to fix again). Someone with the answer could easily look at the thread title, see that quite a number of comments have been posted, and think that the question must have already been answered. So you don't even look at the thread to see if there was a resolution to the problem.
Edit: Opps!! Looks like DAZ has fixed the counters again!!
Thanks ChangelingChick... It's amazing to me how this one little thread has sparked interest from peeps I've never met before! lol. Sooo nice to see some familiar names also. I like seeing the PAs visit us 'common folk' now and then too.
I looked through my past challenges to find names of those who I used to see regularly... Chohole and Jaderail where at the top and always had nice words to say about my challenges. It sometimes hurts to go down memory lane... so I'll just remember them and the others that have passed and smile :)
Samesies!! XD And I have 2 kids just like me XD My husband feels so left out half the time because he thinks so differently from us (and he has ADHD).
I have avoiding comment since there is something that I have been mulling in my mind but here goes. I agree there are a few reasons why forum participation is down. There are a few reasons why I have slowed down too.
The first is the combination of the economy, the fallout of being home because of Covid, and the launch of Genesis 9. It is not as much fun to communicate online because we have done too much communicating online. Genesis 9 has added a new wrinkle. I have lived through the shift from the earliest stuff to the current figures; this feels slightly different that there is a large enough group who are married to their old content that it is next to impossible to shift to a new figure. I think this will eventually pass.
The second point is connected to that last point. There is an odd mix of users in the forums which seems like an elderly junior clique and newbies. Personally, I hate the jokey derailing and stodgy resistance to change.
The third point is purely personal. My computer has just died so everything I can talk about is theoretical until the replacement arrives.
Finally, I had an unfortunate experience. In one thread, I saw a little grouping of comments between a forum member, a PA, and a Daz Forum moderator that seemed to me rude and ignorant and definitely outside of TOS. I was a little too surprised to screenshot the exchange and decided I should comment that this is inappropriate. To borrow some Marvel Loki terminology, the timeline of the exchange was pruned and the exchange disappeared before I could comment. Now, I feel a little strange. I have spoken privately with the PA in the past and it was a very pleasant exchange but now I wonder if the PA knew my race, it would have gone differently or whether the moderator could delete a comment of mine without inserting their personal feelings. I haven't decided how completely how I feel about this. Realistically, the sausage is made behind the scenes and the forum is made of a variety of personalities so I should expect that there will be lows with the highs. Nonetheless, it has made me more cautious.
I really hate that happened :( You've always been one of my favorite forum folks because you always manage a positive word (at least when I've seen you post), and you frequently post renders when you get new stuff, and that's my favorite (because I forget to look in the gallery until someone tells me there's something cool in the gallery XD ). I hope it doesn't put you off. But I'm not one to talk. My presence has definitely been trimmed down the last year or so.
First, thank you... your products literally give me joy. It wasn't the most traumatic thing in my life (someone called me a racial slur and threatened my life when I was 7 or two policemen made my brother and me stand hands above our heads and faces pressed against a chain link fence while our classmates walked by and the actual crime victim yelled at the officers that these kids didn't match her description. The traumatic part was I stupidly told my dad, a senior detective at the time, and he made the officers come to our house and apologize to us. We lived in terror that whole summer in fear of revenge). Realistically, everyone in the forum is human and says stupid things. It was just the first time I have ever felt "unwelcome" since Daz3d started.
HAHAHA! Two kids for me as well, but only one is like me. The other one and their dad are ADHD and very social and emotional creatures. We don't get them and they don't get us. But somehow we muddled through it without killing each other :D
This another Mada kitbash with Blazer Dress with Tote Bag for G8F and Nocturne Outfit for G9. The character is G9.
Her bag is full and her wallet is empty. Can she resist the temptation of the store?
@nemesis10 I am so sorry that happened to you. My observations are that you're knowledgeable and helpful, and I appreciate that. I hope you stick around. I have visibly mixed-race grandchildren and sometimes we get really ugly looks from folks on both sides. They are both honour roll students and extremely well-behaved kids, so it's not because of bratty behaviour, and it certainly isn't for their attire either. It's just that those people are racists. Logically, I know some people are just like that, but it really infuriates me that we are judged simply because of their skin colour. I say "we" because I get the filthy looks too, for the crime of having "left my lane". (Most people think I'm their mother and I had a large role in raising them due to their mom going to school while working full time.) In this day and age that mentality has no place. I don't understand it from the perspective of being a member of an oft-targeted racial group, but I do understand it from the perspective of raising children who are and having to teach them to always be careful lest they be unfairly targeted.
I've never been diagnosed, but I'm increasingly finding that the consensus among people who know me is that I'm autistic, which I've long suspected I might be. I was talking to a woman, and she practically stopped me mid-sentence to ask if I was neurodivergent, because she recognized a lot of her own behaviors in me. I went home and told my wife about it, and she immediately just said "yeah", so apparently she's known for a while. As far as ADHD, I'm never doing fewer than three things at a time.
I do a lot of the behaviours like Stimming (and got in trouble for disrespecting people at work by clapping when they were horrid to me) I score on the very edge in all the online Autism tests, 30 in most being the cutoff and I vary around 28 to 32 , I don't really consider myself autistic though more eccentric a label I used from teen years but nerodivergent covers it all.
My brother and SIL showed no surprise when I suggested I might be on the spectrum, they both think I am more so than I do, Mum knew something was different about me and took me to psychologists in my early teen but back in the 80's women were not generally believed to be autistic and I mask behaviours, I read fiction books and watched TV to learn how to act and basically saw myself as putting on an act all my life, assumed everyone else did.
Quite frankly I am shocked now how easily others are able to socialiize and always thought I must be stupid and tactless.
Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel too. Socializing is a dread. I would much rather stand in the corner and watch people, than talk to anyone. And when I do talk I seem to end up saying something completely uninteresting to them, or I end up somehow insulting them when all I was trying to do was elicit deeper conversation than who aunt Mary is shaking up with this year, or which day hunting season starts, or recent Sasquach siteings, or who won some #@$%@# ball game.
I can talk to machines all day, but people are a mystery.
I did much better when I lived in Washington DC, immersed in the DC & NYC gay leather scene, and working for a think-tank full of wierd science people like me. But throw me into a room full of relatives, or other strangers, and I shrink like testicles in the Arctic. Socializing, it's not for everybody.
Same with me. As I like to tell folks that wonder why I'm not more social.... I just tell them "I hate most folks because they are rude and loud and disrespectful of others" and while there is truth there I use that excuse to stay "in my cave" and do quiet things around the house. I do venture out to the gym but always try to pick times when there's no one there or very few people there. When I HAVE to go out to run errands I don't always pick the best times and find myself saying to myself "to many *expletive* people, ground yourself". Doesn't make me weird, just makes me ME. I've aways been like that. I don't consider myelf on the spectrum either but maybe I am. At almost 63 years of age at this point I really don't care! LOL
Before I read the description, the concern on her face and the way she was clutching the bag, she looked like a person who may have been recently mugged r purse snatched. It's good to hear, its just a shopping addiction.
I must have been manifesting how I look when I open the Daz Store to see what will tempt me to part with money today.
Just to chime in on the original topic yeah, just been busy with work and life, I havent made any music or rendered anything. I've also wondereed where are some of the people who use to frequent here, like Sci Fi Funk who was rendering a cyber city all in Carrara but he has fallen off the internet and the YouTube channel seems to have been closed.
Discussion has definitely slowed down at this time of the day, ie. amongst the people east of the Atlantic ocean