Purchasing Characters

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

I am working with the basic Gen 2 female character at the moment but would like to mix it up a bit with different characters. I see plenty that say they are for Genesis 2 female(s) and then other that are for "Victoria 6"  "Mei Lin 6". Am I correct in assuming that I would need to purchase these characters first? For instance, buying Jia for Mei Lin 6 wouldn't do me much good because Jia only builds off of an existing "Mei Lin 6" but anything that says "For Genesis 2 Female(s)" is probably okay. Am I in the ball park?


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Pretty much...if it's for Genesis 2 Female, it's 'universal'. If it helps, think of the ones that require a specific character first as 'family' for that character.

    It gets a bit more complicated than that, sometimes...as there are a few that only require a certain character for the UV set and would otherwise look fine with a different texture set applied...but not many of those.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Gotcha. So for now, don't try to Frankenstein stuff together or...it'll look like friggin Frankenstein.

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