Rip Mark Goddard

RIP Mark Goddard
Major Don West From Lost in Space (Mark Goddard) Died on Oct. 10 of pulmonary fibrosis complications. I will Miss Him.
I was saying in the commons how the New Special effects ruined the Show. I just started rewatching Lost In Space on Prime.
Post edited by AgitatedRiot on
Oh wow. My prayers to his family and thanks for sharing him with us.
Sorry. Hope he didn't suffer. I like "Lost in Space". So good.
It's quite a horrible way to go. One of my dearest friends died of that disease. It seemed to have run in his family, he lost two other brothers and an uncle to it. If you don't know about the disease please look it up. Due to the fibrosis your lungs no longer are able to bring in enough oxygen and so you basically suffocate in your own body. They had Fred on steroids to keep the airways open for as long as they could. I miss him still!
RIP Mark. I'm so sorry you suffered in this way.
That is so sad, I watched this show as a kid without thoughts go out to his family and friends
Picture this. A bedroom on the 2nd floor of a big old 1916 farm house in the Cascade Mountians of Oregon, October, 1965. Early fall chill on a dark evening. A family of nine (7 kids, Mom and Dad), sitting or laying on the parents bed, watching "Lost in Space" on an old black and white Zenith 18in TV. That is what I remember. Loved that show. Thank you, Mr. Goddard for such a wonderful experience. May you have peace.
I am sorry to hear that. I hope they can figure out a safe, clean painless way to oxygenatate / de-cabon-dioxidize blood for such diseases in the future to alleviate the pain.
Thank you. Fred was such a talented and loving human being.