Blade too dark in Iray ?

Hello, is there a way to have the blade of the sword the most at the right less dark ? It has separated surface on blade fortunately but I don't know how to do that.
(Swords from Heavy Fantasy Blades by Porsimo )

Capture d’écran (659).png
1920 x 1080 - 613K
Post edited by tyra_oeildeloup on
Surely the color and dark tone of the texture is given by the "base color map". I don't have the product and you would have show the image of the "base color". There are other layers that could be adding tone and color such as "Glossy color", "Glossy Speccular", "Metallic flakes color", "Top coat color". At first glance it seems that the dark color is the intention of the author of the product. It probably comes from the "Base color" map.
If you like the original texture, the best option would be to make a copy of the image and modify the copy by clarifying it with an image editing program. The one you have and/or you like. Then you replace the original texture.
You also do not show the value of the "Metallicity", "Glossy Reflectivity" and "Glossy Roughness" fields, which will help you achieve better metallic shine and provide the light reflected on the blade.
Here are the metallicity and glossy settings :
Thanks for the suggestion, I may eventually try to edit the map with an image editing software...
Also on the texture file for the blade is not dark weirdly...
Edit : There is also a second surface image that seems unused, it is "specular color image. "
Metal usually requires light to shine.
But you can try in Base Color to click on image and select Layered Image Editor. There add a color layer (white), set the oppacity to maybe 50, and set blend mode to Lighten.
You are not allowed to shre textures, as they are part of a product.
Turn the Glossy Roughness down. That makes a surface more matte. Lower numbers will make it more shiny.
They are screenies of the textures, not the real files, but I'll remove them no problem.
and, ideally, an environment to reflect