Gully Hair for G3F not showing in Smart Content. (Fixed)
Original title: ReadMe's for Gully Hair for G3F and Colors for Gully Hair
Edited to more reflect content.
I can't find these, nor the File Lists in the Product Index.
Any ideas where else I could look?
Cheers. (Fixed)
Edit: also Gully Hair for G3F not showing in Smart Content.
Post edited by Pack58 on
I can't find the readme either. Did you install the pack with DIM? If so you can click on the name and right click and select show installed files
Thanks for replying.
Yes, I did use DIM, although I can't get the hair to show in the smart content pane even after an uninstall/reinstall and two attempts to re-inport metadata.
Once I load the hair from Content Library then the colours work fine from Smart Content.
As far as the ReadMe's are concerned, as a habit, when I install new content I also make a text file of all available info and keep that with my archived copy.
Hopefully goldtassel has just been busy and they will show up soon.
I have the same issue - hair doesn't show up in smart content. I'm new to Daz so not really sure why this is.
Cheers nekyo, good reminder for me.
I never did sort the "not showing in Smart Content" issue out.
I have just had another go at deleting and reinstalling, including installing to different RT. Made sure DS wasn't running, re-imported Gully Hair meta-data, re-imported all meta-data, did a general DB maintenance.... . . Don't know what else to try?
Once Gully hair is loaded from Content Library and selected then Colours for Gully Hair shows in Smart Content.
When Gully Hair first came out I saw a number of renders done using it with no mention of issues so assumed it was just me but with nekyo bringing it up then maybe not.
Has anyone else had this problem or can suggest a fix to try before I submit a ticket?
Using DS 4.7 and Win8
Edit: So I just downloaded and installed Gully Hair onto my other machine (DS 4.6 Win 8.1) and I got the same result. No hair figure in smart content but once loaded from library then the materials show... Got me beat.
I prefer the normal content browser since its complete and really smart.
Do you mean Content Library?
That's what I use most often, I use separate RTs for different generations plus environments.
But I'd still like to know why this product isn't showing in Smart Content.
Edit: Or do you mean File Explorer?
Todays update for Gully Hair for G3F has fixed this issue.