Blending two models like promotion photos

Might seem like a silly question, but I'm curious about this. On some models' pages, they will post images with captions underneath showing percentages between two different models. For example, on Leroy 8, in one snapshot, it says the model is 40% Leroy and 60% Darius. So how exactly is this done? Would I start with Leroy, drop the full character slider down to 40, then the Darius slider up to 60? Or do I need to start with the Genesis 8 Basic Male and THEN toggle sliders? In some instances of experimenting, I've gotten some horrifying results. Just the other day I was messing around and accidentally made Sloth from The Goonies . . .
On that note, are there any really good combinations to make between characters? I know that some of the pro bundles I've purchased come with variations of the base character, but I'm looking for something a little more customizable, so to speak. Thanks for any help!
Either way works, you can dial as many dials as you like Genesis figures are extremely customisable.
It won't mater which character or base you start with in terms of shaping, but sometimes it's easier to start with the one who has the most materials you want.
You can also load both character separately first to see if any other dials are active under the 'currently active' tab, as sometimes the artist makes use of proportion sliders that are independent of the character slider (in Genesis 9 the masculine/feminine sliders might be dialed in, or not)
That depends on the characters you use... There should be no problem with such 'blending percentages' with such characters of Daz Originals you mentioned. But with some 3rd-parties' products or stylized / fantasy characters, such 'percentages' may not work well. You need to experiment and tweak as per the blended result.
Other thing worth remembering, and sticking with the Leroy 8 and Darius 8 example, is that the character's texture and character HD morphs affect the final render Even if you dial the body morphs or face morphs to the exact same percentage values, the texture and HD morphs of the starting character will give nuanced differences between the two. Especially because Darius is a lot more chiseled compared to Leroy,
Trial and error testing and tweaking is always the best way to find what works for your workflow.
One thing to note is that you tend to not want to go too much off of 100 as the total. If you dial in 90% Leroy and 90% Thimor you might get a bit if ugly. If you try to get around 100% as the total sum it gnerally works well.