PA quality control ?
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It's pretty terrible to see the folder structure these days, I have "Genesis 8 female" "Gensis 8[2 spaces]Female" and "Genesis 8 Females" folder just to name one example, there is a huge amount of incorrect folder names that makes everything look like a mess in many other places, isn't any one test installing items ? things like incorrect folder names would stand out when you make a test installation you would think ?
Indeed, and sometimes 'Genesis 8 famale' etc. etc..... faint. They made the folder structure all messy. As results from Sales 1st, Quality 2nd...
It makes using clothing converters and such a nightmare, because you have to search all over to find the bleeping source files.
From what I have read, this s not a quality control issue since DAZ doesn't make the PAs adhere to a specific naming folder system. I agree though, it is a pain and why I don't purchase from some PAs that have their files installed in odd places. daveyabbo for example. their character products install into CHARACTER instead of CHARACTERS . TMA products also, Instead of having everything under your character folder, they spread it all across SHAPING, MATERIALS, FIGURE and ANATOMY, Zeddicuss is another one, but I can kind of understand when there are both male and female poses in a package and installing to a single folder.
I just vote with my wallet now
I have submitted a bunch of bug reports for folder paths/naming "conventions" over the last few months and they were all fixed. If something annoys you, file a bug report..
While I agree wholeheartedly that some products are rushed out the door without any testing (Karmen9 alt. shapes presets anyone? Yeah, even core figures lack basic testing now such as just loading the character..) filing a bug report will be more effective than mentionning it here in terms of getting the issue fixed.
Venting feels good.. but did you file bug reports? :D
I didn't know if it was worth filling a report, but if this kind of problem are fixable by filling one, I have a couple of reports to file
Well, the point was that it should not be needed to report something so obvious that should have been caught before it was released
I get the point you're making, and I agree, in a perfect world, it sould not be needed to file a report. Still knowing reporting this kind of problems end with a fix is useful and it's something I wasn't sure about before reading @franky85's message.
Of course it is a Daz Quality control issue. Any product that has a required product like Genesis 8 female, for example, characters, morphs, clothing, hair, must follow strict strict naming conventions because those products user facing files sit in very specific folders for use in DazStudio.
Flexibility happens in props and environments and lighting type products because they are usually self standing and not dependent on any other product.
As mentioned above, file a bug report, to bring attention to the product in question and start the process of getting it fixed for an update.
I made a report for two products by the same PA because the products have their materials saved in /runtime/textures/(PA Name)/ with any further destinction between products and have different textures of the same names. Ticket is from March 2022. Nothing changed, and on the Read Me for either product no issues are mentioned... so it probably more depends on the PA being willing/able to resolve the problem than on DAZ..
...this is why I set up a custom runtime and library structure. Really hated it when for older content, textures/materials ended up in the Poses folder in the old poser structure.
Yeah and still get poorly labelled folders in the newer content library at times..
Yeah I know there's Smart Content but all too often I get an error that the Content Management Service [stopped] and needs restarting..
If the defaults are so strict, it can really only be a quality control problem.
I am very glad that Daz Studio has much more flexible folder structures than Poser must have had, at least in the past, looking at the old Poser folder. Nevertheless, for the sake of their clients (and their own sales), PAs should stick to the nomenclature provided. If they don't, quality control may not release their stuff. Provided, of course, that this quality control hasn't been cut to the bone, as is so common these days, and can no longer handle the work. Or has been outsourced to a country where the English language and Latin letters are largely unknown.... ;-)
Is this also happening with newer products? They said (a couple of years ago I think) that they had written scripts to check for such things.
Yes, it does... I'm right now trying to get the parameter tab entries sorted, and the typos, PA specific sortings/namings and whatnots go through all generations