Steampunk Car?
Posts: 10,064
Wondering if there were any good steam punk cars around people might recommend.
Thanks in advance
There's actually a bunch of Steampunk vehicles, everything from taxis to flying machines, in the store, quickest way to see them is to type "steam" into the store search:
Hey thanks :)
Sorry I forgot to be specific!
I'm looking for a 'family' car, reasonab;y modern, but in a steam punk vein.
Thos ones in the store look almost but not quite.
If needs be I will buy a couple and canabalise them
Thanks for the quick reply!
I can't really think of anything in the family car vein, unfortunately. There may well be something out there, but not that I'm aware of.
thank you for your help DWG!
I will keep looking.
My basic understanding of steampunk vehicles is basically any vehicle with a boiler & big gauges attached. ;-)
Anyhoot you may want to search for vintage cars also around the era of model T Ford and earlier.
Heh, classic r2d2 GigaBeat ;0 Thanks for the link, I can see a few good ideas.
cheers from here ;)
The above image is of steampunk version of a Dalek from Dr Who.
Anyhoot following is steampunk version R2D2. It's sooooo coooool. :coolgrin:
Do Google image search for "steampunk" and you get a lot of cool stuff.
Heh. talk about having my foot in my mouth
Thanks for that r2d2
I will take a Daz car and sticl on a whole lot of brass, darkwood gauges pump,s valves pipes and things
MUch obliged for that pic - it tells me just what I need
My understanding of Steampunk is much this same as the description from wikipedia
So you need to find older model cars and "steampunkify" them.
thank you
I habe bought the jag limo and a few steam punk things and I am in the process of dismanteling them and retexturing them :)
I love pulling things apart !
thanks for the definition chohole - I'll never say bad things about Bryce again (just kidding of course, - I never have)
I also like "Steampunk is what happens when Goths discover brown", which goes some way to explaining the fashion side!
If I was doing that I might start from this BMW convertible and stick a steam-plant in the boot
Precisely what counts as Steampunk is open to debate...usually conducted with interestingly decorated weaponry.
Well there are two parts to this debate it seems. One is the trend by some to just 'fake it' without trying to really invest artistically into any esthetic role. The other is the debate whether Steampunk stops at a certain time or is an alternative history line that moves forward into modern times and beyond where steam rather then the internal combustion engine became dominant and electricity also is sublimated to steam, where Zeppelins and Dirigibles became a major form of transportation rather then being faded out, etc...
Along these lines it seems boilers being large and unwieldy for power sources means that the continuation of science along those lines would focus on getting the power of phase change into a smaller and more wieldy fashion which would mean a lot of research on gasses, pressure, thermodynamics etc... which would allow smaller devices for power units using perhaps something other then just water, i.e. the purpose behind green glowy stuff (like antifreeze) etc.. in Steampunk in some people's artwork.
Steampunk Sci-fi could be an interesting and as yet untapped artistic playground.
As for tubes, they operate on an analog vs digital basis, thus the better bass sound frequencies in amplifiers. Steampunk, if it gets that far, steers towards analog vs digital in processing as phase change physics is also a more analog vs discreet science. Thus the argument against tubes could be an argument against the lack of understanding of where the artist using them is coming from rather then (as in some cases I'm sure) that the artist just doesn't understand his history and think anything old can be glommed together and people won't notice.
Basically, if someone is just totally faking it and didn't really put thought into it, people notice.
Love that video btw Richard, here's a couple others for you :)
Abney Park
The Dolls of New Albion, A Steampunk Opera
Thanks for the links.