What is Joint Coreectives?

What does Joint Correctives On or Off mean in Genesis 9 Figures?


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 7,842
    edited September 2023

    Joint Corrective means when a joint on a figure rotates, the mesh (vertex positions) around that joint will change. Such a change may result in deformation even ugly distortion in terms of the shape around that area. So we use a Joint Corrective Morph to fix 'deformation' by using the mechanics of ERC (Enhanced Remote Control), i.e. when a joint roates, the correspoinding Joint Corrective Morph(s) will be automatically triggered.

    Starting from Genesis 3, there's a build-in Base Joint Correctives mechanism. Howerver, on G3, there's no single control property to active / deactivate (On/Off) Base Joint Correctives on the figure. On G8, there's a boolean property to toggle its On/Off. Well, on G9, control property of Base Joint Correctives is a range of % from 0% to 100%, with which you may have a chance to control the 'strenghness' of corrective morphs holistically.

    Post edited by crosswind on
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