Store search filters

I know this is a much discussed subject but I have not noticed this particular request yet it is somewhere close to the top of my wishlist for changes to the store search filters.
When there are sales (there are always sales) it would be nice to be able to apply the various filters to the product that are on sale only - that particular on-sale promotion - rather than to the whole store. Allied to that would be the ability to filter OUT certain categories. For example - I don't have any G9 characters so I don't want to see G9 products in my view of items on sale, yet I might want to see props, environments, utilities, etc. So the ability to browse whats *on sale* without having to wade through pages of content that has no interest to me. To be frank, I might have bought more if I had the patience to get past page 5 of the listings as I decide I'm wasting too much time.
Where are they not? I just opened a PA and ued some of the filters - they seemed to correctly show onlybitems that matched both the filter and the PA (though the numbers next to the filter were too high, either the whole store or at least all today's featued PAs).
Maybe I'm using the term "filters" wrong. What are those search categories listed in the blue bar, top of screen, called? Ahh right - I see they disappear when in the sale screens.
Still, going back to the actual filters, having an exclude option for them all would help a lot.
On the home page (and some other pages), the filters include a 'Categories' filter:
But it's not visible on the various sales related pages (technically, it is visible while the page is loading, but as soon as the page is loaded, it disappears):
OK, that may be a bug - we will ask.