McAffee just blocked something from Daz

in The Commons
When I finished the checkout on my last order McAffee security put a message at the top of the page saying it had blocked something suspicious. Has anyone else had this? I know McAffee can be over cautious sometimes, I wonder what the suspicious thing was.
What payment method did you use and did it redirect you correctly back to the "thanks for purchasing here is your stuff" page?
There was a weird issue a few months back where the site auto-downloaded an empty file after purchasing. I can imagine that might flag an anti-virus. That was fixed a while ago tho, however I have not purchased anything today so cannot confirm if that is back.
Other than that, perhaps have a read through the names of the products you purchased and see if any could potentially seem dodgy if taken out of context? I know some people have issues with Paypal refusing to allow purchases of products with certain names so perhaps anti-viruses will have a similar "naughty list"?
Is there an "activity log" or something similar in McAfee that will tell you what it did - and maybe why?
Other than that I can't help unfortunately as I exclusively use my OSX machine for browsing and purchasing on the store.
it may have been DIM loading which I allowed on my browser after purchasing and going to the install order with DM option
Avast just blocked something from daz last night when I checked out as well. The transaction went through just fine though.
Does anyone know what was blocked and what was purchased so we can try to narrow down the issue?
I had an Avast popup that it had blocked three connections to while checking out on a DAZ purchase with paypal. Owing to URL:Blacklist
Have you all done a full scan, it may be that you have local malware (or semi-malware) that is trying to interfere at checkout and being caught.
I did a full scan, and all clear. I also made a purchase from Ebay with paypal with no alert, and a purchase from another 3D store, again with no alert.
The alert on the DAZ purchase popped up when I got the DAZ screen saying 'purchase succesful', so right at the end of the purchase process.
The quoted URL is part of Epsilon, the parent company for Commission Junction (which is the Daz affiliate scheme). So likely not malign, I don't know why it would be blocked - quite possibly a "heuristic" rule, which - while potentially useful against zero-day issues - tend to give mostly false positivs in my experience.
Yeah, what @background said is what showed up for me too. Glad to know it's probably not malicious.
I used PayPal and I got through to the thank you page OK. Nautical Bric-a-Brak does sound like something from a Carry On film but the putchase went through OK.
The download multiple files thing doesn't trigger a McAffee alert on my computer, it gets stopped by Chrome. I still get this when I do manual downloads for everything after the first downoad, but if I right click and save the the link it works OK, and I only get one file.
McAffee does have an option to show what it has done but it usually isn't very detailed and right now it's refusing to appear (it does that sometime on my computer).
Everything went through OK. I was just curious what was going on.
it's happened with me in the past with nortonantivirus didn't like dim, studio or downloads you had a poor rating think from memory it was when we got a new version