Help w hair

I bought this GORGEOUS hair a while ago: and was looking forward to test it on my G8.1 female character, do as I normally do for Hair for another generation, no autofit, resize, move to place, then parent to the head. Started w the hair cap part, resized moved to place, then when I parent it to her head it gets moved down to be a beard instead and NO WAY to move it anywhere, it gets also re shaped, and it's like glued to be her beard instead. NO way of moving it up or down or any place. So deleted, tried again and it's the same. Parented to main G8.1 out of desperation - same. The base - the braids - I can use and parent but she's then bald on the head, and has braid that grows from nothing. So can't be used. I was looking forward so much to try this gorgeous hair, but it can't be used on my G8.1. Life's to short to move it into place everytime I change her pose. So if someone knows of a fix for this I would be SO grateful heart as I want most of all to use this hair for my United Nations of Tomb Raider Lara model. Not sure how long it was I bought it, if I can get my money back or not, no idea. But I want most of all to be able to use that hair. Thanks in advance if someone can help meheart.  


  • According to the readme it came out on September 8 of this year. So you should be able to get your money back if you can't fix it.

  • Thank you so much for the reply heart. I will think about it, but it's so sad as my character would look so good in that hair, had just bought a dark skinned character to use the skin of, looks amazing, w that hair she would look so good. So if someone knows of a fix or if an update can be done to the hair to make it possible to parent the skalp part to the head without it getting stuck to low then I would be very grateful. It does not say that it's possible to use on G8.1 so nothing wrong really, but I have never had any problem w parent a hair to the head, do it all the time w hairs from ealier or later generations than my model. Very strange. So I have my beautiful model w not hair to use, have a few old ones but they are just not right sad.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,784

    Personally I would get the ManFriday morph converter and transfer my 8.1 character over to G9

  • FSMCDesigns said:

    Personally I would get the ManFriday morph converter and transfer my 8.1 character over to G9

    Thank you so much for the reply heart. I'm staying on G8 and G8.1 as I have invested so much in those. I managed to get it to work by making the skalp hair visible in the view port, then export as obj, then import, strangely enough it kept all the hair materials and everything.Then I could w no issues parent it to the head. There were 2 morphs that was lost in the obj of course, but those I can most likely make dform morphs to get similar recult. She looks amazing in the hair heart. Another problem is that the hair materials is hirecal materials, or whatever it's called, to tired to gogle. So I have to load a G9, load the hair, load the materials, all of them, them save as material preset. NOT a fan of the h materials. But I made a quick edit of the top coat and the hair diffuse color to get a nice look. If someone knows of a way to make the hair scalp work with parenting to the head without having to export to obj I would be very grateful heart. Will share an artwork w the hair and my charcter in it when it's done to show that it looks great even w this solution. 

  • tombraider4ever said:

    Thank you so much for the reply heart. I will think about it, but it's so sad as my character would look so good in that hair, had just bought a dark skinned character to use the skin of, looks amazing, w that hair she would look so good. So if someone knows of a fix or if an update can be done to the hair to make it possible to parent the skalp part to the head without it getting stuck to low then I would be very grateful. It does not say that it's possible to use on G8.1 so nothing wrong really, but I have never had any problem w parent a hair to the head, do it all the time w hairs from ealier or later generations than my model. Very strange. So I have my beautiful model w not hair to use, have a few old ones but they are just not right sad.

    Give me a little time, it's first on my list of things to try this morning ;-) 

  • You should be able to cancel the AutoFit dilogue, set none as the fit to target, and parent/adjust it without needing to go through an OBJ export/import.

  • I looked at the hair, it's lovely with many bones, very many bones!

    It's a multipart product which includes geoshells. It's meant to be used with G9. I tried a few morphing ideas etc but that wasn't working the way intended nor expected so ? what gives. However I did find that if one loads a G9, dial in the G8 clone, load and fit the hair. Load the G8 figure; select the root of G9 and parent it to the head of G8.1 ... hide G9 ... all bones work, the h.mats should work, and certainly with some poses this will work. Posing G8.1 appeared to be including G9's head to stay where desired. I did not test with extreme location poses.

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,409
    edited September 2023

    FSMCDesigns said:

    Personally I would get the ManFriday morph converter and transfer my 8.1 character over to G9

    That didn't work too well ... mind you I haven't quite figured out the sizing options yet. Making the figure morph appeared to work but when it came to adjusting the rigging things went a little haywire with the dialed out morph actually shrinking the target.

    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • Richard Haseltine said:

    You should be able to cancel the AutoFit dilogue, set none as the fit to target, and parent/adjust it without needing to go through an OBJ export/import.

    Thanks for the reply, but I have done that a thousands time or so, buys like g9 hairs to use w my G8.1 all the time, and use older generation hairs on my G8.1 all the time. When I load the hair without having g8.1 selected, move it into place, resize ect, then choose parent to head it gets deformed and lowered to look like some sideburns/beard, and it's GLUED to where it is, NO way to move it up or down or any place. I tried many times, over and over, and even tried to parent it to the main G8.1 - same - glued beard. So there is something wrong w the model, not that I know much about such things, but to me a model that can't be skipped autofit and parent to something then there is something wrong. I have never in my years of using daz had this happen. I do it right, just trust me, as I have done so with success thousands of times. Until this is solved there should say, on the sales page: please note that the skalp can't be used on g8.1 unless you want to move it manually in place for every changed pose.  

  • tombraider4evertombraider4ever Posts: 728
    edited September 2023

    Catherine3678ab said:

    I looked at the hair, it's lovely with many bones, very many bones!

    It's a multipart product which includes geoshells. It's meant to be used with G9. I tried a few morphing ideas etc but that wasn't working the way intended nor expected so ? what gives. However I did find that if one loads a G9, dial in the G8 clone, load and fit the hair. Load the G8 figure; select the root of G9 and parent it to the head of G8.1 ... hide G9 ... all bones work, the h.mats should work, and certainly with some poses this will work. Posing G8.1 appeared to be including G9's head to stay where desired. I did not test with extreme location poses.

    Thank you so much for trying to help me with this, that's so very kind of you! heartsmiley The root of G9, is that the hip bone? or something else? Or just select in the scene tab where it says G8.1? sorry to be stupid about this, have used daz for years, I should know what the root bone it lol. So if I do this then the G9 head should move w my g8.1 head? and I should then resize the G9 head to get the scalp to the correct size for my G81 character? I have not invested in converters so my character is not on G9. Thanks for the help you have already given me and in advance for a reply, if you have the time, to my questions heartsmiley.


    Edit, tried w parenting the whole G9, where it says g9 in the scene tab to G8.1's head and success laugh. And the materials work also, when selecting the hidden g9. Resized the g9 head to get the correct size, so there is one United Nations of TR gorgeous Lara artwork, one in big series, have done many, coming soon, will share here when it's finished and ph sh fixed and w marked, so will take some time, but I'll share my success here smiley.

    Post edited by tombraider4ever on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Have you tried parenting the "Twist Scalp Fibers G9" to "Twist Hair Base G9 Shell" before parenting the "Twist Hair Base G9 Shell" to the G8.1 head?

  • tombraider4evertombraider4ever Posts: 728
    edited September 2023

    PerttiA said:

    Have you tried parenting the "Twist Scalp Fibers G9" to "Twist Hair Base G9 Shell" before parenting the "Twist Hair Base G9 Shell" to the G8.1 head?

    Thank you so much for the reply heart, I don't think so, I'll try.  

    Edit: that worked, Thank you so much! heartNow I have 2 ways that works, as the way that Catherine3678ab described works also heartsmiley. Thank you both so much for your kindnessheart. I will use the way w using the g9 as Catherine3678ab decribed as they all the materials work also, selecting the hidden G9 smiley. I am working on trying to tweek the hair materials since they look a bit too shiny to me, and the hairskalp, the head part that is very visible, looks a bit flat to me, almost like painted on the head, so trying to tweek the settings. It might be due to the hdri I'm using, found one that looks goof on the dark skin I'm using, not all hdris works well w dark skin, but perhaps the hair skalp part is dependent on the lights hitting it, as the promos looks great heart. Tried to make the bump value higher, and also added translucency or what's it called, since it had none. So playing w the materials. Love the hair smiley. For some reason I thought it was for dforce, but it wasn't and adding dforce made it explode. But there are TONS of bones. Move slowly in the viewport though, so I'll try setting it to visible when posing, then visible to look in iray, go back and forth w the hair fibers/scalp visible.

    Post edited by tombraider4ever on
  • tombraider4evertombraider4ever Posts: 728
    edited September 2023

    Tried the posing dials on the base hair that was fit to g9 - w g8 clone dialed in, then parented the whole g9 to g8.1 head, and the posing dials gets distorted, over shoulder morph gets a weird shape on the hair. So deleted and added  a new base hair, the braids, then just parent the base to G8.1 and now the posing dials work (the parent to head problem w is just w the scalp part). Found out that smoothing, set smoothing w collision on the scalp to G8.1 was a bad idea, slows all movement to super slow in the viewport. 

    Post edited by tombraider4ever on
  • tombraider4ever said:

    Catherine3678ab said:

    I looked at the hair, it's lovely with many bones, very many bones!

    It's a multipart product which includes geoshells. It's meant to be used with G9. I tried a few morphing ideas etc but that wasn't working the way intended nor expected so ? what gives. However I did find that if one loads a G9, dial in the G8 clone, load and fit the hair. Load the G8 figure; select the root of G9 and parent it to the head of G8.1 ... hide G9 ... all bones work, the h.mats should work, and certainly with some poses this will work. Posing G8.1 appeared to be including G9's head to stay where desired. I did not test with extreme location poses.

    Thank you so much for trying to help me with this, that's so very kind of you! heartsmiley The root of G9, is that the hip bone? or something else? Or just select in the scene tab where it says G8.1? sorry to be stupid about this, have used daz for years, I should know what the root bone it lol. So if I do this then the G9 head should move w my g8.1 head? and I should then resize the G9 head to get the scalp to the correct size for my G81 character? I have not invested in converters so my character is not on G9. Thanks for the help you have already given me and in advance for a reply, if you have the time, to my questions heartsmiley.


    Edit, tried w parenting the whole G9, where it says g9 in the scene tab to G8.1's head and success laugh. And the materials work also, when selecting the hidden g9. Resized the g9 head to get the correct size, so there is one United Nations of TR gorgeous Lara artwork, one in big series, have done many, coming soon, will share here when it's finished and ph sh fixed and w marked, so will take some time, but I'll share my success here smiley.

    Glad to see you've got something working. 

    By " The root of G9," - I mean the very first line that is for the model "Genesis 9" - if you grab that and drag it to parent it to the head of G8.1 - seemed to work for me. When I G8.1 and then moved some of the hair bones around, it appeared to be doable. [time consuming but doable].

    Before parenting G9 to G8.1 -- G9 selected, check the 'hidden' clones on the Parameter Tab. [such are toggled visible via the hamburger menu on the Parameter Tab]. You may or not have one for G8 or G8.1 Female. G8's clone shape would be the same as G8.1 so it doesn't matter. I used one that I had made myself however I did notice another one on my list so that may have come with G9 [or it came with I don't know what!]  The big difference isn't so much the head shape as the character's height. G9 is short. So in dialing in the G8/8.1 shape, one is dialing in the height as well as the shape of G8/8.1 to G9. However if you have managed to reshape the head and get it all working via a different method, that's fine too. Whatever works ;-)

    Looking forward to seeing her!

  • Catherine3678ab said:

    tombraider4ever said:

    Catherine3678ab said:

    I looked at the hair, it's lovely with many bones, very many bones!

    It's a multipart product which includes geoshells. It's meant to be used with G9. I tried a few morphing ideas etc but that wasn't working the way intended nor expected so ? what gives. However I did find that if one loads a G9, dial in the G8 clone, load and fit the hair. Load the G8 figure; select the root of G9 and parent it to the head of G8.1 ... hide G9 ... all bones work, the h.mats should work, and certainly with some poses this will work. Posing G8.1 appeared to be including G9's head to stay where desired. I did not test with extreme location poses.

    Thank you so much for trying to help me with this, that's so very kind of you! heartsmiley The root of G9, is that the hip bone? or something else? Or just select in the scene tab where it says G8.1? sorry to be stupid about this, have used daz for years, I should know what the root bone it lol. So if I do this then the G9 head should move w my g8.1 head? and I should then resize the G9 head to get the scalp to the correct size for my G81 character? I have not invested in converters so my character is not on G9. Thanks for the help you have already given me and in advance for a reply, if you have the time, to my questions heartsmiley.


    Edit, tried w parenting the whole G9, where it says g9 in the scene tab to G8.1's head and success laugh. And the materials work also, when selecting the hidden g9. Resized the g9 head to get the correct size, so there is one United Nations of TR gorgeous Lara artwork, one in big series, have done many, coming soon, will share here when it's finished and ph sh fixed and w marked, so will take some time, but I'll share my success here smiley.

    Glad to see you've got something working. 

    By " The root of G9," - I mean the very first line that is for the model "Genesis 9" - if you grab that and drag it to parent it to the head of G8.1 - seemed to work for me. When I G8.1 and then moved some of the hair bones around, it appeared to be doable. [time consuming but doable].

    Before parenting G9 to G8.1 -- G9 selected, check the 'hidden' clones on the Parameter Tab. [such are toggled visible via the hamburger menu on the Parameter Tab]. You may or not have one for G8 or G8.1 Female. G8's clone shape would be the same as G8.1 so it doesn't matter. I used one that I had made myself however I did notice another one on my list so that may have come with G9 [or it came with I don't know what!]  The big difference isn't so much the head shape as the character's height. G9 is short. So in dialing in the G8/8.1 shape, one is dialing in the height as well as the shape of G8/8.1 to G9. However if you have managed to reshape the head and get it all working via a different method, that's fine too. Whatever works ;-)

    Looking forward to seeing her!

    Thank you so much for the help w this, so very kind of you! heartsmiley I have her posed in a scene already, have an outfit that reminds me of the Tomb Raider 1 manor outfit, a sexy version, recolored it a bit, and used a chair and pose set, sitting and looking gorgeous, can't wait to show it here in a few days or so heartsmiley.

  • You're quite welcome, glad I could help.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,134
    edited September 2023

    Another simple way... OP may try if you'd like. This is a traditional way of parenting + reserving custom hair bones:

    1. Load the hair set into the scene with cancelling auto-fit. Drag two hair nodes to G8.xF's root node.
    2. Select G8.xF, go to menu : Edit - Figure - Scene Identification..., change Node Name from 'Genesis8Female' or 'Geneis8_1Female' to 'Genesis9'. Then apply H.Material Preset you like. (change Node Name back to 'Genesis8...' when needed later on...)
    3. Drag node 'Twist Scalp Fibers G9' to node 'Twist Hair Base G9', then drad 'Twist Hair Base G9' to G8.xF's Head node.
    4. Select node 'Twist Hair Base G9', give a value to 'Y Translate', more or less 9.85 - 10.

    In this way, all unique bones are kept. Then pose your figure, tweak the hair bones on her chest as needed, and simulate the hair set. This method may work for most of the SBHs, as long as you give the related hair-node(s) a 'proper parenting', and XYZ value(s).

    Edit: If OP wanna change the hair color later, inversely do step 3, then step 3 again.


    1904 x 1366 - 798K
    Post edited by crosswind on
  • crosswind said:

    Another simple way... OP may try if you'd like. This is a traditional way of parenting + reserving custom hair bones:

    1. Load the hair set into the scene with cancelling auto-fit. Drag two hair nodes to G8.xF's root node.
    2. Select G8.xF, go to menu : Edit - Figure - Scene Identification..., change Node Name from 'Genesis8Female' or 'Geneis8_1Female' to 'Genesis9'. Then apply H.Material Preset you like. (change Node Name back to 'Genesis8...' when needed later on...)
    3. Drag node 'Twist Scalp Fibers G9' to node 'Twist Hair Base G9', then drad 'Twist Hair Base G9' to G8.xF's Head node.
    4. Select node 'Twist Hair Base G9', give a value to 'Y Translate', more or less 9.85 - 10.

    In this way, all unique bones are kept. Then pose your figure, tweak the hair bones on her chest as needed, and simulate the hair set. This method may work for most of the SBHs, as long as you give the related hair-node(s) a 'proper parenting', and XYZ value(s).

    Edit: If OP wanna change the hair color later, inversely do step 3, then step 3 again.


    Thank you so much for this, so very kind of you! heartsmiley I will try that later smiley.

  • tombraider4evertombraider4ever Posts: 728
    edited October 2023

    Here is my 1st artwork w this hair, Thank you so much for the help w this hair, it was worth all the work to get it to work, love it so much heartsmiley.  The outfit is in my TR obsessed mind a version of the TR 1 Manor outfit laugh.  I have made an artwork w this United Nations of Tomb Raider Lara character, mine, also w the classic TR outfit and an Egypt background, will share that later here also smiley. The skin used here is from a character by Mousso heart .


    Thought I ask this also, dark skin is hard I think to get the lights right, I use HDRI as most of the lights, this hdri looks good on her skin but the eyes goes all white, reflecting too much light, looks like mirrors. So had to have her have her eyes closed. Could someone tell me what value to edit, on Iray Uber skin, on G8.1 female, what material part/value to edit to make it reflect less? I have the store product for having the eye reflection direct on the eyes, love that, so would get eye reflections anyway, from that light that's directly on the eyes. Thanks in  advance if someone can tell me, the name of the material part, the part of the eyes, and the value heartsmiley

    Post edited by tombraider4ever on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,134
    edited October 2023

    It's a nice render ! 

    As for the eye's catchlight, the setting is on Cornea surface. Surfaces pane - Cornea, you can lower the weight value and/or increase Roughness value accordingly.

    1847 x 1397 - 3M
    1848 x 1395 - 3M
    Post edited by crosswind on
  • tombraider4ever said:

    Here is my 1st artwork w this hair, Thank you so much for the help w this hair, it was worth all the work to get it to work, love it so much heartsmiley.  The outfit is in my TR obsessed mind a version of the TR 1 Manor outfit laugh.  I have made an artwork w this United Nations of Tomb Raider Lara character, mine, also w the classic TR outfit and an Egypt background, will share that later here also smiley. The skin used here is from a character by Mousso heart .


    Thought I ask this also, dark skin is hard I think to get the lights right, I use HDRI as most of the lights, this hdri looks good on her skin but the eyes goes all white, reflecting too much light, looks like mirrors. So had to have her have her eyes closed. Could someone tell me what value to edit, on Iray Uber skin, on G8.1 female, what material part/value to edit to make it reflect less? I have the store product for having the eye reflection direct on the eyes, love that, so would get eye reflections anyway, from that light that's directly on the eyes. Thanks in  advance if someone can tell me, the name of the material part, the part of the eyes, and the value heartsmiley

    Edit: sorry for the big artw, let me know how and I'll make it smaller to cl on the pick below the text like some do here. 

    I clicked on the image, then used the corners to resize it smaller. When first loading an image after pasting in the url, click on the image box, then numbers appear to the left ... select whichever one is the greatest and make it 800 or less. When we click on the image, it will open the larger image.

    Thank you sharing, it's a lovely image. Glad you're enjoying the hair too. That whole set was one of few 'instant buys' for me.


  • crosswind said:

    It's a nice render ! 

    As for the eye's catchlight, the setting is on Cornea surface. Surfaces pane - Cornea, you can lower the weight value and/or increase Roughness value accordingly.

    Thank you so much! heartsmiley Thanks for the advice also, will try that heartsmiley.

  • Catherine3678ab said:

    tombraider4ever said:

    Here is my 1st artwork w this hair, Thank you so much for the help w this hair, it was worth all the work to get it to work, love it so much heartsmiley.  The outfit is in my TR obsessed mind a version of the TR 1 Manor outfit laugh.  I have made an artwork w this United Nations of Tomb Raider Lara character, mine, also w the classic TR outfit and an Egypt background, will share that later here also smiley. The skin used here is from a character by Mousso heart .


    Thought I ask this also, dark skin is hard I think to get the lights right, I use HDRI as most of the lights, this hdri looks good on her skin but the eyes goes all white, reflecting too much light, looks like mirrors. So had to have her have her eyes closed. Could someone tell me what value to edit, on Iray Uber skin, on G8.1 female, what material part/value to edit to make it reflect less? I have the store product for having the eye reflection direct on the eyes, love that, so would get eye reflections anyway, from that light that's directly on the eyes. Thanks in  advance if someone can tell me, the name of the material part, the part of the eyes, and the value heartsmiley

    Edit: sorry for the big artw, let me know how and I'll make it smaller to cl on the pick below the text like some do here. 

    I clicked on the image, then used the corners to resize it smaller. When first loading an image after pasting in the url, click on the image box, then numbers appear to the left ... select whichever one is the greatest and make it 800 or less. When we click on the image, it will open the larger image.

    Thank you sharing, it's a lovely image. Glad you're enjoying the hair too. That whole set was one of few 'instant buys' for me.


    Thank you so much for helping me again heartsmiley, got it to work by selecting the 800 size and then add the link so when clicking they get directly to this artw on my homepage.  Thank you so much for the compliment also, and for helping me earlier, now I have this new trick to try if this happens again w other hairstyles heartsmiley.

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