Can't install clothing
I purchased Dynamic Martial Arts Gi Gen 2 and when I went to install them, the install manager said that I was missing the 3D Bridge for Photoshop. I don't use/have photo shop and it didn't say on the product page that I needed to have it in order to use this clothing. I did some searching online and found the Daz Work Around page for it but it said that as long as I'm using the most uip to date version (4.8) which I am, the plug in should be there. I was unable to find a link anywhere to download it. I also tried Manual Download but the clothing isn't appearing in my Wardrobe or anywhere else that I can find. I placed the files in User/My Documents/Daz3D/Studio/My Library as I saw in tutorials online. This didn't work either. For Daz Purchased or 3rd party stuff. I submitted a ticket but it's going to be a few days before anyone even looks at it. Are there any SMA's out there that can help me out? Or did I just waste $25? Thanks in advance.
That is an odd error for the DIM to be spouting...but have you tried to manually download the item from your product library?
You should be able to download and manually install it.
Yes I did. I placed the files in User/My Documents/Daz3D/Studio/My Library as I saw in tutorials online but it didn't work. I also had some 3rd Party stuff I tried so i'm not sure I'm doing it right. The studio doesn't care what I put in My Library. It' snot letting me use any of it.
Can you post a screenshot of your Content Directory Managar?
Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager. Then expand both Daz and Poser formats before taking the screenshot.
Okay, went to product library and saw a link for 3D Bridge. I clicked it and the download went right through. The outfits are now in my Library but won't apply to my figures. Sometimes a little window flashes and then disappears, other times it says I need to assign it to something and sometimes it's just a big gray box. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Everything else in my wardrobe works when you double click it. HAAALP!
And I get error messages saying that an error occured when reading the file and refers me to a log
Here is the screen shot you mentioned.
Unless you have nested content folders, I can't think of anything else right now...can you post a screenshot of the content locations, expanded, from the OS file browser?
There's something wrong - the UV Sets folder should not be visible in your Content Library pane, that indicates that you have the Data folder that contaisn it in the wrong place.
I saw something to that effect in another thread I read today.
I completly deleted the clothes from the file and attempted to install it again through DIM and this time it worked. Tried 5 times last night but today it's all "Hey! Cool man!" But now when I try to get them to apply, the clothes are HUGE or refuse to apply. No error this time, just not so much with the clothing. I should say again that they are Dynamic and I'm thinking I'm a bit too much of a newbie to contend with that. Does anyone know a handy thread regarding how to make them colidable? Is that what the problem is? I tried searching the forums but it's like trying to find a needle in a stack of needles.
The person she is talking to is having the same or similar problems as i am with the exact same clothes purchase. (Dynamic Martial Arts Gi) I sent him an email asking how he was doing with it but haven't heard back yet. But he was having this problem 4 days ago and might not have mastered it yet.
I feel bad for asking so many questions here and I do try to figure things out on my own. But again, any help...and the children of my village shall sing your name.
What you are seeing in your first image is the 'blocky' look because DS cannot find the 'data' folder for your item, so I would say that it is not installed correctly. If you installed using DIM, then it should all have gone to the correct place, and you should find it in C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library which is where DIM installs to by default.
To view the log file, go to Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File and that will show you the error message you were getting. The log file can be very large, so just exit out of DS, start it up again, load the clothing item, and then look in the log file (at the very bottom) to see what error messages were created.
"The outfits are now in my Library but won't apply to my figures. Sometimes a little window flashes and then disappears, other times it says I need to assign it to something" This usually happens when you are trying to us materials instead of the actual object. You have to load the object first then select it (in both the scene tab and on the main viewing screen) then you can apply the material textures. I can't tell you how many times I have done that lol. A lot of times the object and the materials file look exactly the same, sometimes, the object file shows as grey.