Import/export to/from Blender

Hi everyone,

I have done a bit of work  (baby steps) with Blender but there is one thing I haven't found mentionned.  I've exported my G2F to Blender so I could get the scale of what I modeling for her perfectly.  What I noticed when doing so is that she exports all parts of her as separate objects.  

Now, for another project I have, I may have to edit part of her but I would like her to be whole... more importantly, I want to be able to reimport her back in one piece with the UV intact.  Before I commit to messing around with her, is there any way to do this or a tutorial someone could point me to?


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited October 2015

    On the Blender import options (you are using OBJ as the format?)...make sure Keep vertex order is active.


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  • Thanks a lot!  Exactly what I was looking for.  Tried the import and it works so far... but it's getting late and I really should hit the hay.  Is the UV intact when I import it back into Daz, if I don't mess with the integrity of the mesh? (only play around with vertices and such, just moving them around, not deleting or adding any)

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