Bryce 7 GUI is EXTREMELY Small...

I know it's an old program but are there any plug ins or files that can be edited to enlarge the buttons in the [Bryce] interface?
Most of them are very tiny.....
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
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I know it's an old program but are there any plug ins or files that can be edited to enlarge the buttons in the [Bryce] interface?
Most of them are very tiny.....
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No, there aren't any. It always opens on a full screen so it depends on the size of the screen. I do hope you can manage it, Bryce is well worth using it.
I keep my screen Display resolution at 1680 X 1050. My monitor will do 1920 X 1050 bit I lose the tools on the right-side bar {they are hidden & I can even grab them to drag into view.} I have also tried clicking on the Bryce Icon in the file folder & changed Compatibility mode & run in 640 X 480 Display resolution, but that didn't help either.
useing 1920 X 1080 + And seems alright
_ Are you on 4K or somerthing ??
Screen goes off the side of my monitor
Ha ha, yeah - tried this too, you only get the top left corner of the Bryce interface.
"4K" Sorry, not sure what you mean...
But my monitor is a 16:9 / 1920x1080 monitor....which would've still been a 'thing' back in 2011.
Giving some thought, however, I read somewhere that the 2011 relase really hadn't changed the interface that it began with in the 90's.
If I can't find a practical work around I may have to resign to manually turning down my monitor's resolution every time I load Bryce.
For anyone else wondering I have to change my desktop res to 720p (1280x720) in order for Bryce to display as intended.
This was standard Windows Vista / Laptop size back in the day.
3840 x 2160 pixel
As things stand, the majority of 4K displays come with 3840 x 2160 pixel (4K UHDTV) resolution
, which is exactly four times the pixel count of full HD displays (1920 x 1080 pixels)
I have a 16:9 / 1920x1080 monitor and use 125% text size and have no problems at all with the Bryce GUI. It is a Windows 10 laptop. I wonder whether there is anything else in your system provoking your problems. I do not know what that would be.
I'm using Windows 11. 27" Dell monitor. Settings in system are 1920 x 1080 at 100%. No problems with Bryce.
I wonder if you could change the settings on your monitor instead of your system. At lease give them a look over.
Use Nvida or AMD Control Panel
EDIT : & just thought of + is it Bryce only ??
That worked thanks, I used the Nvidia Control Panel instead of windows setting. Windows setting show the display is 1680X1050 But Nvidia Control Panel Has it at 1980X1080 and all of Bryce's tool show.
alright then + you're welcome
It would be nice if they'd revisit Bryce and just make a new version.