Technical Question About How DS Uses Memory
I'm trying to create a fairly big battle scene inside Winterblack Halls. An awesome looking model which buy itself renders fine in on my machine. However, if I put just one figure in there it throws an error. In an effort to compose my scene and then render off the background in layers, I moved all my figures below the floor and out of the plan. What I'm wondering is this. DDo assets not shown on the screen still tie up memory the program would otherwise use to render with?
Please advise
I would assume that they would still be there tying up memory (used to calculate everything) because even if they are not visible on the screen, they could still potentially be affecting the other objects that are visible (appearing in reflections, casting shadows, reflecting more or less light, etc.) .
I don't know for certain but think possibly if you click the eye icon to hide an object it might not get used when rendering the scene and may cause rendering to be faster? Verify this. Of course the objects are still referenced somewhere since they haven't been deleted from your scene and are therefore still affecting memory usage in general to whatever extent.
I tried both, hiding the objects and just moving them off the screen. Neither never really helped out all that much. I guess I just have to face the fact that Winterblack Halls is just a heavy prop with all the geomtrey and lighting and it pushed my system to it's max.
Aslan Court and other similar props don't but I haven't gotten into specifics on the mesh sizes and all that.
Making some partial sets and rendering them as such may help.
Also somebody once mentioned that if trying out different texture images, etc on models, save the scene and close the program. Then open the program, open the scene and Render. Why was because D/S was filling its memory cache with copies of all those textures and this was how to clear it all so all the program's available memory can be used for rendering.
Interesting. I will try that.
Have you managed to make your render? How?