Rendering a transparent line white box in renders, can't see on viewport.

Hi everyone.

I recenty moved up to 4.21, and I have now seen while rendering that I am getting a tiny outline of a white box in my renders, slightly smaller than my dimension preset of 1920/1080.  I don't see it in the viewport, but when I render an image, somehow it renders but it also produces this slightly smaller white box in the render.  (just lines, like the outline of a box) I  think it might have something to do with another size ratio or something in the settings, but I can't figure out how to make that disappear.  

It's not super noticable in this shot (look at bottom right of render to see what I mean) but with darker backgrounds it's easier to see.  Like a white outlined box, any help appreciated!


  • Can't see any attachment - forums might be playing up again tho?

    Is this for EVERY render or just ones you are opening that were built using an older version?  Do you still get it if you open a new scene and maybe render a single primative using the default HDRI? Is it the same if you render via the viewport aswell as a camera?

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