project transferring help.

Recently I transferred a project to my other computer and re-downloaded everything but when I tried to load a character it asked me to locate some file which I do but the other files for the character it says they could not be found, and it shows my old computer file location for the files. Is there a proper way to transfer files or a way to fix this without having to remake everything?


  • If it is giving the full path, starting with the drive identifier, then the file was applied when it was not in a content directory. If it is giiving a partial path then either there was an issue, such as nested content directories, on the old system or there is a problem with the settings on the new system. Please post the full error message, as a screenshot or as text.

  • pcaaronbrownpcaaronbrown Posts: 0
    edited September 2023

    (Mod edit: had to edit to show the link as the formatting was not showing the link or image.)

    Post edited by Cris Palomino on
  • Aside from the HDR, which was clearly not in a content directory when loaded and so is referenced by its full path, those look OK - they start with data or runtime, as expected for relative paths. That means the issue is most likely with the content directory settings. What is the actual location of one of the "missing" files on your system, and whata re your content directories pointing to (Edit>Preferences>Content tab, click Content Directory Manager and expand to show the paths)?


    Actual location: D:\Documents\dazpro1

  • So you need to click the Add... button in Content Directory Manager for Daz Studio Formats, and probably Poser Formats, then select D:\Documents\dazpro1

  • So it lets me locate about 3 of the missing files but after that it loads what I found and shows the previous error message and doesn't let me find the rest of the missing files.

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