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And I will use 'retired' if my old retired brain can remember it. :-)
Even though I have the older one, I sure would fork out for a 'reimagined' one from you.
Actually, any PA who is faced with retiring a beloved item from their store, consider a reimagining it for the most recent generations or with the newest tech... How many items by Aeon Soul (or whatever name they were sold under, are moaned about because they have been retired by the PAs? Whole threads devoted to them.
And I bought the High Fantasy Bridge after seeing what @richardandtracy did with it.
Finally got to the point of finishing the viaduct. It's too big to be an attachment to a post here, so is at Rendo - Anyway, I had to do a tunnel portal for when the viaduct reaches a hill. The image below is the promo image, UK side of driving and typical UK driving (a white van tail-gating) and one lane coned off for no discernable reason.
I have had a bit of time to look at a big bridge. Currently modelled, but has no textures or mapping yet.
There will be 2 segments, a cable stayed deck that's 60m off the ground with a single pillar. The road deck is 400m long with 250m on one side of the pillar and 150m on the other. By using two models back to back (as below) gives 490m between pillars. There will be (not yet started) a ramp 210m long from a 15m wide deck to 60m up, which can be used at either end. The total height of the pillar is 170m above the y=0 waterline and 30m below the waterline.
I have made a ramp, which looks too steep to me, I think I'll be lengthening it by a factor of 2 or so. It matches up with the Cable Stay bridge at one end, and the standard height of my previous viaduct at the other end (the textured bit of bridge in the bottom right corner of the image). I have shown the Licone ship by Faveral below it, and a Merc Sprinter Long Wheelbase model in the centre section (the grey dot in the far carriageway).
I went back to my SolidWorks model of the ramp and found a maximum dimension of 210,000 mm is pushing the limit for the precision numbers used internally, so rather than re-dimension the road deck I stretched it in my own modeller to 420m long (as I programmed my modeller to use double precision numbers), which reduced the slope a lot and actually made the piers rather more appropriate in size. So, I think that's what I'm going to stick with.
For scale, and evidence of the 60m air draft, I dropped in a model of HMS Victory too. The Licorne & Merc Sprinter are there as before, but the Licorne has Victory on its tail.. Don't think things are going to end well for the poor Licorne. A Sixth Rate frigate against a First Rate ship of the line.. oh dear.
Mostly finished the mile long bridge (1640m = 1 mile, 33 yards), will be packaging it up this weekend.
While we're on the topic of bridges, I am wondering if there is a one-lane vehicle bridge available on any site? I was going through Google Maps the other day and found a small town in Newfoundland and Labrador in which there are not one, but two one-lane bridges - so close to each other.
Below is a link to what I am talking about, in Google Street View. I wonder if there is a one-lane bridge similar to the one in the link below, or close to it? And I am fine without the pedestrian area.,-58.1253876,3a,44.8y,165.55h,79.85t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2ru9kx_dY10uO0iPggBdhg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu
Looks like a pretty standard WW2 pattern Bailey Bridge to me. There are likely to be a number of models of them around...
After a quick check, there are. BUT usable ones are a bit !!!!! pricewise and the freebie ones are aimed at 3d printing with a fair bit of post-printing assembly, so aren't great for our purposes.
Also, take a look at this thread, There may be a way of kitbashing something useful.
Now, I got another bridge request. I found another one-lane bridge, but it has a longer length. Here is a link to an example the Google Street View:,-59.3287672,3a,75y,314.67h,79.41t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssqoNgrB1GmVywXJ-yoSPqQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu
Is there any such bridge available on any website?
This product by code66 could probably help you make something similar Modular Bailey Bridge Construction Kit | Daz 3D
Thanks to FirstBastion's post, I saved a lot of money. I was considering purchasing a Bailey bridge from TurboSquid, but I agree the one in the Shop suits my desire. At less than $20 in the Shop as opposed to almost $70 on TurboSquid. Pretty darn good.
Cable Stayed Bridge now mentioned in my Bridge freebie thread:
There is this bridge now:
Seeing Richardandtracy's long bridges hath reminded me of McGyver's bridges like this one:
I always read it as Drunkard and didn't even think twice about the name because it was McGyver's