One scene I can render canvases, another scene I can't
I have a couple scenes, and I'm trying to render a canvas from each.
In one scene, it works as expected. I choose the object (or group of objects) to include in the canvase, and when I render it works as perfectly.
In the second scene, I go through the same steps of setting up the canvas, etcetera.. but when I go to render, the end image is blank. It renders very quickly, less than a minute (which is fast for my system) and nothing is in the output image.
I'm looking at the render settings, and nothing is jumping out at me as different between the two scenes. I thought maybe it's a GPU memory issue, but the scene it works on is at least as complicated and memory intensive as the one that doesn't work.
I can render the entire scene, for either scene.. just fine.
I really don't want to go through each and every render setting trying to spot a difference. I just don't know what's causing this behavior. Maybe it's the driver, It's not the latest, but I'm running windows 7, and the latest driver doesn't seem to agree with windows 7. I have the parts to build a new, better PC. but I just haven't taken the time to do so. I don't want to mix other variables into the issue.
Any ideas would be welcome.
Does the scene render normally without canvasses enabled?
Yes. Both scenes render perfectly without canvas' enabled.
But the main render and the canvas fail when that is on? Would you be willing to post the scene file, with a note of the content used?
I figured it out.
It turns out my camera was in the wrong spot. It was behind a wall.
But, the funny thing is that I was looking through the camera and the wall wasn't in the way. I could see into the room, and see what I wanted, but the camera must have been at just the right spot where it made a difference.
I didn't need the wall for any of the renders I plan on, so I really don't need it in the scene at all. So, I deleted it. And.. I thought.. what the heck try another canvas render, and it worked perfectly.
Very wierd.
Thank-you for your help.
I figured it out.
It turns out my camera was in the wrong spot. It was behind a wall.
But, the funny thing is that I was looking through the camera and the wall wasn't in the way. I could see into the room, and see what I wanted, but the camera must have been at a place where I could still look through it, but not render through it.