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Terrain and material are from the High Resolution Terrains 2 set. The building is the Martian Colony City by Herminio Nieves (2013) and the moon a sphere with my own material. Sky and ambient light by an HDRI from Golden Lighting and the key light by the sun.
Wow beautiful scene Horo.
Thank you mermaid.
Horo - Fabulous scene !
Agree with mermaid010 and Bunyip02: Wow! That's an amazing Sci-Fi scene, Horo
I rendered some flowers. They are from the Daz3D shop Angels Fishing Rods. First picture is rendered with IBL, the second with TA. To brighten up the dark parts of the blossoms I increased ambient to a value of 15. In my opinion they look quite similar. I prefer TA for living objects in the end.
Thank you Bunyip02.
Electro-Elvis - thank you. Very nice garden renders. Both look very nice, difference is small, both look natural and in the end the artist decides.
Electro-Elvis - lovely renders, yes both look similar, was there much difference in the render times?
Electro-Elvis - Wonderful scene !
Aiko 3 - "I think I am being followed ..."
Terrain - Tectonics Evolved Vol.2 Orestes, Sky - Lise's Sky Collection ALBUM 4 Sampler, Aiko 3 - DAZ3D, AikoRetro clothing - by Idelacio, Space Helmet - ?
Alien - Science Fiction Aliens by Luca Oleastri, Rocketship - Amazing Rocketships by Luca Oleastri
Very nice scene Bunyip02, beautifully done.
Outstanding and beautifully done scene Bunyip02.
Double stacked terrain from High Resolution Terrains 2, the material from the same set and for the second one from Landscapes under Fantastic Skies. Sky and ambient light by the ernie-clouds HDRI (free on my website) and the key light by the sun.
Another beautiful landscape, Horo the materials and lighting are perfect.
The terrains and material from the Tileable HR Terrains; the sky from Objects Clouds 2D and 3D. The plane is a freebie.
Thank you mermaid. Great atmosphere over the terrain, must be great to sit in the airplane and look out.
Thanks Horo
Horo: lovely scenes!! You do such a great job with these grand landscapes.
Mermaid: Nice !! This reminds me of my time playing Flight sim 2020. So peaceful...
Bunyip: Really fun scene !! :)
Finished this scene i've been sitting on for a while.
Nullcasting - thank you. Interesting scene with the objects, I like the idea and well done.
Mermaid - Thanks ! Love the airplane scene !
Horo - Thanks ! Another excellent landscape !
Nullcasting - Thanks ! Awesome game of chess, love the Pawns !
Nullcasting - thanks, very nice scene, unusual idea, well done.
Bunyip02 - thanks
Thank you Bunyip02.
Mermaid, well made render of the metal spider and very realistic terrain render.
Horo, two not very welcoming, but beautiful landscapes. I like the one with the green a bit better, because of the suggestion of natural life.
Bunyip02, If Aiko would not notice the alien (robot), that would be very weird. Very nice render.
Nullcasting, Wonderful mysterious scene and great render.
Thank you Hansmar.
Thanks Hansmar
Hansmar - Thanks !
The terrain is from High Resolution Terrains 2, the material as well but modified. The water is the groundplane with a material from High Resolution Terrains 4. The clouds are from the Cloudsphere9 from the Sky Toolbox like the belonging SkySC9 HDRI, the key light is by the sun.
Wow Horo a beautiful, very realistic scene, the terrain material is awesome.
Great terrain and textures, Horo.
I used my snowman 'species' to create an army around a Christmas tree. The render is on Renderosity. Another render of grasses and trees made with PlantFactory is here on Renderosity. Both are Vue renders where the created items (snowman, grass and tree) species are used as ecosystem on the terrains. Since this site does not have a specific Vue forum, I will show my Vue renders at Renderosity, but will keep using PlantFactory items to create nice Bryce renders too.
Thank you mermaid.
Thank you Hansmar, nice work on Renderosity.
Hansmar nice work at Renderosity
Thanks, Horo and Mermaid.